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Psycho SPAM tactics


If inadequate manhood was not enough reason to make me potentially feel insecure, them SPAM sending fiends have taken this psychological attack on yours truly to newer, higher…er…heights. This snapshot is fresh from my Gmail spam folder:

Focus your eyes on email number 3 and 8.

Ugly and insubstantial is this man. Sigh.

MP3 anywhere


The New York Times tech guru David Pogue attends Improv Anywhere‘s latest mp3 experiment. It sounds part amusing geeky fun, and part disturbing mass hypnosis. I’d totally do it though: “A male voice, slowed down and processed to sound boomy and authoritative, said: “My name is Steve, and I’ll be your omnipotent voice today.” As happy, cool, electronic music played, he began giving us instructions…”
