Interactivity thy name is commenting


This blog is now officially replying to comments. Atleast as much as it can. This decision is in effect retrospectively from the last two posts or so.

Also if you see me on MEEBO do say a hi. I am feeling all interactivity-like.

Still looking for swanky blogs for design inspiration. Tell tell.

About the author


  • Hi
    One of ur senior(vineeth, dont know weter u remember)showed me ur blog
    Now started xplrng 🙂
    Since ur a professional blogger i feel u can move on to typepad or wordpress to do the blogging rather than using the template given by blogspot 🙂

  • i am trying to find one of ur blog related to thrissur n pavaratty.But cudnt, stl xplrng , xplrng
    It’s difficult to search…
    There shud be an archive vr we can jus type some keywords and find that topic ??? donno weter blogspot is supporting…
    Lemme find out 🙂

  • still looking for ideas? i thought polka dots was it. believe me it’s the best to stick to basics.

  • Umm Hello,

    You can StumbleUpon ( Neat lil’ thing to put on your blog!


    ps: mes liketh urs bilog 😛

  • Again. Polka Dots on Domain Maximus would look as if you were protesting the ousting of Indian Cricket team from the World Cup. And wouldn’t you be loosing your number of visitors counter if you change to a new template?Whatever. I wouldn’t know the gibberish coding lingo anyway. Hopefully it wont be a Polka dotted template. I would stop advertising your blog then.

  • Hi,

    Things I would like to see are.

    1. Your old polka dotted background.
    2. Selective Comments.
    3. A section on daily news as IndiaUncut.
    4. Humor section.

  • @deepak: voice messages? as in i can get readers to listen to me breathing deeply? I like!

    @titto: I remember Vineeth very well. He once brushed his teeth with fair and lovely! Ask him.

    @titto: there is an archive. must be two years old. let me find it and tell you.

    @bhargs: BOW

    @arun: danke schon. very nice. very complicated. will take inspiration!

    @hp, ujj: indeed. I hope I can keep it up though!

    @sev: (cant help it but…) SEV puri thaakath se koshish karo. and become a commenter again!

    @scout,velcro: basics it shall be. basic. but classy. maybe a little purple. and orange. and electric blue. but thats it.

    @at unnamed: checking it out. any particular thingie I should use?

    @abdulla: everything you say is on the agenda. but blogger is a little painful to do all that. conteplating a wordpress migration.

  • Hi Son,
    yeah titto had a word with me..!!! I was mentioningg him abt the blogs u have written abt Trichur Puram and Pavaratty Palli perunnal.

    So ny plans to come down this time for Trichur pooram..!!! 🙂

  • Just read your “”The Fart of War” or “How to win bonuses and influence top management”
    ” in the yr 2004 🙂
    Especially hahaha ( bloody idiot )
    N 2002 stuffs like bathroom stink and erin sandwich, jus LOLs… 🙂

  • @dharmabum: The public demands it. I merely accede. Besides I heard that little thing you said about the missing zing bit. Hmm…

    @Vineeth: Appa! No plans yaar. Need to do some travelling on work. Such is life. Hope the wife and kids are good!

    @titto: very very thanks!

  • u heard? how come? boy, i’m surprised.
    but don’t let this publicity gimmick (‘public demands’, like u say) fool us into believing that the ‘zing’ is back, ok? 😉

  • I have a very bad feeling about this whole ‘this blog is officially replying to comments’. There seems to be a lot of hidden intensions as to why you are actually replying to comments what dharmabum says – publicity gimmick … started off with HTML …now articles for Hafta ..what next ?

  • aah~y the word verification~what abt half blind ppl like me:(

    lol~juskiddin~btw,i jus redesigned the look of maah blog..y is everyone referring ur blog to me:wonder:

By sidin
