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  • just when i was contemplating calling you up to scold you for the long absence of updates on the blog you spring this one on me..no fair..i hate it when a long overdue fight fizzles out like this. hope you get better really soon. try some homemade remedies but if they dont work please dont think twice about surgery. seriously. Here’s wishing you a seedy recovery from all of us here, give our love to “wife”

  • Hi Sid,
    Tonsillitis is definitely a big problem and I feel it needs to be taken care appropriately. In the recent past, i had a very bad throat and developed tonsillitis and it took more than a week to get cured. It pains heavily as you try to eat or swallow anything. Medicines do help but apart from it, I would like to recommend that the juice of ginger in bit boiled water gives a lot of relief and helps cure faster. It would be still better if one can use black pepper salt while boiling the juice of ginger with water.
    Well, thats my personal experience but I always feel natural cure of any disease is always better than medicines…

  • He types with his tonsils? What an extraordinarily talented young man!

    On a more serious note, ze solution is simple: Operate.

    They will entice you into it by telling you that you can eat as much ice-cream as you want post-op, but sweetly leave out the fact that swallowing even water will make you feel like you’re pushing cactii down your throat.

    But it does get a *lot* better later.

By sidin
