Some assorted humour clippings – I


Clipping 1: First of all there was the column in Friday’s Mint about Google’s mysterious and ominous new algorithm to pick out employees who were most likely to quit. There was much to think about that:

Clipping 2: Then yesterday plans were revealed about the huge, awesome stand-up comedy venue coming up in Mumbai. The famed Comedy Store from London is coming! Whatay heart-breaking thing to hear just months after one resettles in Delhi. Damn. I foresee much low-cost flying from November.

Clipping 3: And finally, I was cleaning out the house yesterday morning when I came across this week old copy of the Hindustan Times lying behind the sink. Flipping through languidly I noticed a most bizarre Calvin and Hobbes strip. This time I truly did not “get” the C&H joke. The following is a clip from the e-paper.

Aai caramba!

p.s. As usual please maximize the Scribd thingies to read legibly.

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  • A comedy club in Bbay? So can we expect protests against the jokes now? I mean there is so much scope for censorship in stand up comedy isnt there…especially for a country that thrives on it? But what fun otherwise πŸ™‚

    C&H – Hindustan Times screwed up? Its the kind of thing you would expect from ToI me thinks. πŸ˜›

  • This C&H strip is in spanish but its about the time when Calvin and Hobbes decided to first set up GROSS (Get Rid Of Slimy girlS) and they needed a place to set up their club and decided to wheel out the car of the garage.

    This information was brought to you by the insane C&H maniac who has the entire collection memorized! πŸ™‚

    I have the original strip if you wanna read it.

  • I dont like this. How can i find the latest posts ?

    Earlier i could easily find the latest ones… now its a nightmare.

    totally ridiculous!!! and personally did not expect his from Sidin.

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By sidin
