I am not Amit Varma


That is not one of those existential angsty type statements. "This is not a pipe." That sort of thing. No.

I merely wish to reiterate to the world that I AM NOT AMIT FOR GODDSAKE!

Amit Varma is possibly the most famous (also popular) Indian blogger out there. A very popular question at blogger meets is "Where is Amit?"

Also one can consider oneself to have arrived in the world of blogging if one can start an intellectual anecdote, dirty joke or mental whimsy with the words "I was talking to Amit Varma the other day and he was telling me about this fascinating electric inflatable doll…"

Or some such thing. Also Amit recently, and famously, won the Bestiat Prize. This award is a renowned prize in Journalism. Most famous for the fact it is merely two letters away from a sexual pervert most weird. Not to say that Amit is anything but most ordinary. I may have caught him in a delicate situation with a Doberman once but he assured me it was platonic. So you should let him be.

And me too!

Every once in a while I get welcome emails from people who want me to write for them. Newspapers, magazines, people who want a kind word written on the blog. That type. This is all quite exciting of course. For a struggling freelance writer nothing fuels the ego like people wanting you to write and willing to pay for it too.

But I have increasingly begun to notice that half of these emails begin with the salutation "Hi Amit!" or "Hi Mr. Varma!"

I am not Amit Varma.

My theory is this. The party concerned decides to link up with the half dozen or so more popular blogs around. Amit, obviously, ranks up their right at the top. I come just below him, merely three hundred blogs between us. So the party whips up an email addressed to person number one on the list, i.e. Amit Varma, and then cuts and pastes it to everyone else on his list. Without changing the salutation.

So this means, more often than not, I get an email addressed to Amit Varma offering big bucks, if seen from very very close, for my modest writing abilities. This deflates my ego so. I feel crushed and belittled. And then I reply in the affirmative because I am an MBA and my priorities are very clear.

Nonetheless I am not Amit Varma. Stop sending me emails like that.

Unless of course you are the Bestiat Prize people sending out the prize cheque. In which case I am Amit Varma! Here! Me! Yes!

Otherwise no.

(Update: The book synopsis is currently being reviewed by publishing house no. 1. Fingers crossed. Latest rediff column here. Over and out.)

About the author


  • Sigh! I never get such emails. I wonder how far below I am in the list if ‘only’ 300 separate you and Amit.
    BTW that number just conjured up images of Leonidas ‘Amit Sparta holding off the hordes of Sidin. Brrrr!

    • Me in a cod piece is not the most wonderful image you should conjure up!
      “For tonight we sleep in Ernakulam!!!! Aaaaarghhhhh!!!!”

      “Sorry our troups are on strike…”

  • Hey, I read Amit Varma’s blog… and he’s good… but you’re different. I could never enjoy one of Amit’s blogs as much as I enjoy yours…. Not to say you’re not going to get that famous – that’s just around the next post. So you’re not Amit Varma and thank goodness for that!!
    (when you win the prize money, you can send me my share … 😉

  • Have been a regular reader since your blogspot days, luved the rediff article. And like they say, there is always a malayali everywhere! I liked the way you touched issues and went for the jugular on the t-shirt incident…

  • Hey Sidin,
    How’s this to cheer you up? I check your blog REGULARLY and Amit’s …once in a blue moon. You both are in a class of your own.

    Have been a regular reader since your blogspot days. Started reading first because you were the first ex-UAE-NRI-kid that blogged well. Then I got hooked.

    Spent the first 18 years of my life in UAE (I was in ADIS too). So, based on the tenuous ADIS (the school, not the virus) connection, I say ‘you’ve become stud muccha, man!’ So don’t let a few sloppy e-mails damage Maximus’ writing mojo!!

    Its great to see you do more writing online and in print. Hope to see you book here in Australia (yes, am still an NRI but in a different continent) in the near future. If not, I’ll do what every self respecting (cheap) NRI does – pick up at 1/5th the price in India!



    P.S. 8 years after leaving UAE, I still have a Mallu twang in my voice. Hows that for people who say we NRI’s forget our ‘roots’? haha. (and i’m not even a mallu to begin with!)

    • No no. Why do people think the emails hurt my Mojo in anyway! Tut tut!
      Yes we NRI-gelf-mellus are a select breed. Will ensure the book finds its way to the Australia too! (If the book finds its way to a press first of course…)

      So what if you are not a true blue mallu??!! If you say Abu DhAAAAHbi like the rest of us all is well…

  • Would you take it wrongly if I said the comments on the rediff pieces are as entertaining as your writing? Really, the guys commenting there crack me up. I like how one guy goes “A scrap by the author”, and the next two follow with the exact same word! “Scrap”, indeed! 🙂

  • Hi Amit,
    I’ve heard so much about your blog. Would you be interested in writing a blurb for my new book? Much money is involved.


  • You wrote, “… Amit recently, and famously, won the Bestiat Prize. … Most famous for the fact it is merely two letters away from a sexual pervert most weird.”
    Congratulations on making it just one letter away from a “sexual pervert most weird.” Nice touch!

  • I follow both Amit’s and your blog regularly. And I like both. Different styles of writing and different content. Anyway, why bother if some insane publisher tries to get in touch with 500 bloggers and mistakes you for someone else, be it Amit or anybody!
    I wonder if you really meant anything against Amit in the post, I thought it is just a matter of identity crisis and a writer’s ego that’s hurt. But the comments by readers trying to compare your and Amit’s blog and taking sides is indeed funny! Will see how many such comments follow 🙂


    • Ayayyo! No ego’s hurt or anything Sangeetha. And I have only great love for the Amit Verma who, incidentally, got me hooked up with a publication house as well. My love for him is huge, warm and platonic.

  • More on doberman incident please…….Mebbe i should amit as well….
    Amit if you’re here…..tell me about it before sidin does……I’ll catch you on your space as well…

    • There are so many potential interpretations of that comment that I don’t even know where to start 🙂

      • Interpretations…….?i’ll take the freedom to do it my own way…..
        Btw sidin, even you think the doberman looked like you or you found it like amit, huh?

    • You were drunk thats fine….well takenit was dark ….ahmm
      and ur dog looked like Sidin…..errrr other day you may find u r dog like Narendra Modi then…u’ll fuck him.. ha ha

      May god bless you my dear fren Amit. that was just joke buddy . I’m drunk now…hitch ahhmm

By sidin
