Selamat Datang!


Thats what them Malaysians say when they meet someone!
Now before I put down all my copious notes and research on Malaysia into a decent-sized travelogue I need to put the nose to the grindstone and catch up with hajaar pending work. And also put out some notices.

Notice 1: The book project is coming along nicely. A few publishers are being spoken too. It will be anthology of essays, articles and travel pieces. Best blogs, and columns and so on. And a lot of new material. So spare a prayer for that. Let’s hope it makes a little whimper amongst all the screaming from new english writers in India everywhere

You can help me by telling which posts are definitely shoo in. So drop me a plugoo when you get the time.

Notice 2: In other news I have a couple of excellent internships up for grabs. Six month long projects with an interesting outfit who is assessing HR practises within top name companies and then bringing out a high profile report. (Top!) Perfect for someone looking to do an MBA and searching out for a great project / CV point. So if you are interested, OR, know someone who is then drop me a mail right away. Use. the ‘I’m Listening’ link on top. Two people is all I need. BTW good money, fame, networking and moderate publicity.

(Update @ 4:54 PM IST: The internship is Full Time. So sorry if you are a strategy consultant looking for more work ‘cos his work-life balance simply does not suck enough.)

More posts and updates as the day progresses.

About the author


  • Travails – goes without saying. Your one on cricket (though I didnt like it much) – would be a winner. I think you should go by the number of comments. The more comments it generated – the better it can be to go into the book. The one on Pink Floyd also was pretty good…
    More as we go through them… and for sure – I’m buying the book so dont make it too expensive Mr. Budding IWE (indian writer in english). And all the best!!!

  • Organize the book into
    Corporate India ( this includes your advices to managers and HR … so on) ,
    College Life

    I also remember you writing reviews on motorcyclyes. I am not sure why you don’t do that anymore, there is a lot of potential for that in India especially for cars. I can help you if you want it. Check for a mainstream reviews or for a more straight face humorous reviews.

    Good luck,
    its not about making it to big league of indian english writers , but its about creating your own brand or style, and you have got it.

  • All the best!Two malayalam blogs have been already converted to books, and one of them is a best seller!

    Anyway I would say , would like to see more of unpublished articles in the book, if i am to spend my money on it.

  • Yup… I agree with whiteelephant….. “Why southies dont get ….” has to be in the book…. All the Best…..

By sidin
