Dumbass Media Product of the Day


I have nothing against the wonderful people at the DNA newspaper here in Mumbai. They may have made me a write a few pieces now and then, made me email it to them, and then never reverted ever again. This may have happened seven or eight times. But besides that I love these guys like the Ebola.
But I am puzzled by a slideshow on the DNA site I spotted earlier this morning. The attention grabbing blurb:

Look what celebs do with their middle fingers

They can say using the middle finger is obscene (ask once-upon-a-time coach Gregory Chapell, if you donโ€™t believe us), but Bollywood celebs donโ€™t seem to think twice before sporting it in public!

I don’t know what to say really. Slide on!

p.s. First one is very good indeed! But after that. Special mention for the great one line comments for each pic.

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  • oh! it’s crap! dna’s cerebral dna got mutated somewhere!!!cubical masala chat, which we do locally inside office space, is getting alive gradually and nationally!… he he he…

  • kinduv silly if you ask me..have newspapers nothing better to do nowadays?? don’t we get enough crap as actual news??

  • What exactly was the funny part – the pics, or the captions? Neither had me in splits – and even the remotest funny thing usually does that to me. Maybe I’ve just been overestimating my intellectuality all these years.
    PS: I’ve got a wallpaper of Zinta which’s the closest she’s ‘come’ to the “Come Hither” look. If any of the DNA people are reading this, I just cracked a real funny joke. Much funnier than your captions at least.

  • wonder why of late media seems to be resorting so stuff as silly as these and waste precious paper / online space… and as rightly said, except for the first one, none of the other pics seemed to even provoke a grin…

  • Charanya: If they do whatever they want, just because they can (without thinking if they may or may not) ,then I guess the whole world would become a trash can ๐Ÿ™‚

By sidin
