A blog by any other Cascading Style Sheet


There comes a time in the life of a blog when, in the face of tyranny, opression, consumption, abject misgovernment and pathetic national representation at an international competition, it becomes time to let go of previous HTML and get some fresh code.

With all these new widget/gadget/thingummajig inventions popping up everyday my blog was beginning to feel a little out-dated.

So any bright new thingie anyone can recommend? Or a nice new teplate/layout?

Something smart yet jovial. Functional yet personal.

I am thinking polka dots.

About the author


  • How about gauze teddies and a pink thong? ‘Twould all help to boost the TRP.


  • Its fine…just let it be. But if you are sooo keen i second alfred. But remove your pic, your expression is such that we will be forced to believe that you are imagining… 😉

    PS: How are your tonsils now? You said they were better than the ones in the pic. Do they look normal now?

  • dunno if this counts, but i second polka dots (i found your blog by chance and decided to stick around)

  • may be .. do way with a lil gray and put some red in.. but do not clutter with designs and take the attention off your writings..

  • hey…sidin, blogskins has got skins which have text format templates for blogspot. You have to click on the blogspot link and u’ll get it…as easy as can be..you’ll have to do minor modifications based on your taste ‘coz most of them are customized for their own use

  • @shaan: Muchas gracias. But nothing I can just cut and paste is there?

    @rj: Yes but imagine how much better it could be! What if McDonalds had just given up after the cheeseburger. Thereby depriving us of the double cheeseburger.

    @eastmancolour: I see fun! Pansy, but fun.

    @jap: One clarification: Are the teddies in thongs themselves? Just wondering.

    @nidhee: Thanks for caring for my tonsils. They are much better now. And gauze teddis in thongs it shall be!

    @anon: I still do. Beautiful blog. And I will.

    @scout: welcome to domain maximus. hang arouns, browse, make yourself at home and mail me money. So polka dots seems to be the flavour.

  • Try http://www.snap.com for bloggers. If you use links to other pages like crazy it may get a bit annoying for the readers, but for a judicious user such as yourself, it’s quite handy.

    You’re welcome.

  • Get yourself a software pro. Afterall, you can invest in your blog.

    But, please. Polka dotted Domain Maximus would be a catastrophy!

  • @gatecrasher: No clutter I promise. Thought about a three column and then ditched it for the very same reason.

    @shaan: got it. Trying out some blogskin ideas too. Want to make it look and feel like wordpress more than blogger.

    @vishal: thank you!

    @gulam: 🙂 But still need to clean up this place a little bit. but nothing drastic.

    @velcro: polka dots seems to have its takers. now I guess I will have to solve the polka problem scientifially: what do all the women like?

    @v: your comment just used up my entire weekend. I have been on the gecko site for hours. expect changes on DM very very soon. THANKS A TON!

  • just get the grey out.. and no polka dots please. next i know u’d wanna put small bows on the sides and teddies (not the ones that Jap suggested).

  • hi sidin…
    well nice to read the blog of my senior…
    i am second year EEE student in NITT..
    and well .. here after will be looking after u for guidance..
    anyways.. as far as this post is concerned.. hmm.. dont use polka dots.. use something else..
    take a look at my blog.. ofcourse its not as great as urs.. but yea.. some stuff u may find intresting … especially widgets i suppose.. so jus go thru it once..

By sidin
