Hafta Magazine Opens!


Dear All,

Phew. Gasp. Sigh. YIPEE!!!

Hafta Magazine emerges today with its first issue. Check out the site, read some of the 18 articles put up already and do leave your comments.

There are some familiar names there and some new ones at HaftaMag.

We do have some issues with formatting and forgive us the clunky parts in the interface. Hafta is undergoing constant evolution as we speak.

But there is a lot of excellent, thought provoking content put up already and we aspire to be the latest addition to your list of bookmarks.



About the author


  • yesss! congrats Sid – great effort ! now – can we have a page 3 type party ? pop the cher..sorry, champagne ?

  • Aree baba…i chked out the site and wanted to point out a couple of errors…but where the hell is the comments section? Just couldnt find it, and also your (hafta’s) email ID. so am not sending my feedback for now.

  • Used to look in at the weekly waybk for sm time til realisd tht u hd decidd to abandon it. recordg untold stories – pullg them out of the unknown n claiming a place for them – it was good – and was tad sorry not to see more. Now good to see you back at it as the armchair guy. Good show! Wil second the request to enable comment as smthing other than just guest.


  • Vola!!!

    Congratulations Folks! The website is great. Has a lot of good readable information.

    Looking forward to more action there…


  • Hearty Congratulations, Sidin, and the rest of the team. Really happy for you folks, who are letting your creative talent flow and doing what your heart desires. True satisfaction lies there, I guess 🙂 Anyway, more after I go through the mag!
    – JK

  • my first comment here! looks amazing dude! Congratulations and hope it does well! Maybe you can work on a Chennai version as well 🙂

  • Nice effort with the magazine; but didn’t find it good enough to live upto Sidin’s standards.

    Only MutherB’s article was smthng for which I may come back to your magazine next week, anything else be it Boka’s interview or Fungus’ genome were nothing great.

  • Very cool!
    Congratulations on this! I’m going to post about your publication on my blog.

    I recently just moved to Mumbai from Chennai, and its nice to find some blogs that talk about the things that I agree with. My blog is over at: http://www.india-news.in India News

  • Congratulations!!!Have been waiting for this for quite a time.Further comments after the reality check:-)

  • do have a link that takes users back to all the previous issues. dont want to lose the links to last week’s issue.

By sidin
