Since you guys asked…


Now I can finally tell you peeps why the blog slowed considerably over the last one year. Look what came in the mail today: (I’ve blacked yellowed out some bits due to contractual obligations.)

Paper work

Couple of things to point out:

1. Yes my name is still causing trouble. Sigh. I might change it to something else so that it looks better in book stores. Like “Dan Brown Vadukut”.

2. Will update on expected dates, title, excerpts and so on as soon as I get inputs and go-aheads from the Penguin people. Currently I am thinking of calling it “A short history of nearly every five point someone slumdog white tiger’s letters to Penthouse”.

3. A very big thank you to all you guys. This blog is quite the community story you know. So collective high-fives all around.

4. Set aside money right now to buy it when it eventually comes out.


About the author


  • About that contract thingy. Make sure they print your name right on the actual contract otherwise you would never know who would get the actually money. πŸ™‚

  • Ah! Now I know where the word 'Sadi-sm' originated from…..we were living all this while believing that some Marquiis De Sade was responsible for it! πŸ˜€

    BTW, didn't you say on another post that the first five commenters will get a copy FREE! I'll DM u my address once the book is out. without the postage, of course!

    Anyways, wishing u good luck for it…

  • From REC to penguin, watay journey!

    chalo cant wait from some guy to scan and upload pdfs on scribd!

    ok ok kiddin….

  • Fantastic! Well done, Sir Sid. And Penguin even, the bestest bird, which immediately takes one back to the smell of old books and the funs with Wodehouse. Am very happy for you, being an ardent admirer (mmmmppfff) of your works and also having read something about you giving out free copies earlier on….?
    Erm… Not to put too fine a point upon it, but before you become off one big shot and all and forget all about erstwhile Kashmiri connections, you had mentioned something about a microwave some time ago? Is the offer still valid? I have a farm or two free up here and could offload them on to you. BUT THE MICROWAVE IS OF ESSENCE. Without that, the deal is off. Here… Spit on it.

    Once more, yay!

  • et tu! This is probably the 3/4 th blog I subscribe to which is publishing a book, my google reader is getting no love anymore. Congratulations though, will definitely read it. Do put up a teaser on your blog, would be nice to know about the book.

  • Aw – I'm so proud of you. Consider the money set aside. Heck I'll even promote your book aggressively
    How does one get a signed copy?

  • Congratulations Sidin/Sadin. Been a long time follower of your blog and looking forward for that early copy. Hope that doesn't cut off the blogging. cheers.

  • Sidin!

    Congratulations! You have manged to cross over to the other side, which is every self-respecting blogger's dream, I would say…

    So happy for you, my friend!

  • Can't wait to get hold of the book. I may be finally persuaded to buy a legal copy of a book, especially if the interim title is an indications of what's inside πŸ™‚

  • Phew!!!! Better late than never……Have been hearing about the book for a couple of years!!! Finally we see concrete proof………Congratulations!!!!!……………..
    p.s did I sound like I doubted it…..nope never had an iota of doubt…

  • I’ll buy a copy. It’ll be worth it. Also, since you’d have a book launch in Delhi, I’ll come to meet and shake hands with you.
    Congratulations Sidin. You deserve this for all you’ve given us through your words.

    All the mushy things said, whatay break!

  • Yay !! Super there a way to directly sneak into the last part of the title…or is there a way to buy only that part of the book ? πŸ™‚
    Congrats !

  • Hey congratulations! I have deposited money in a fixed deposit so I can buy this when it comes out. Alternate title – A Suitable God of Small Poppy Seas.

    I'm sure the postal dept ruined this letter during transport because some important bits are all yellowed out. Perhaps you can tell us some of the accidentally erased information. Specially the “… and please find the enclosed cheque for X million rupees” types.

    Good good…

  • Congratulations!!!! Do we get a free copy by the virtue of being followers of your blog and regularly posting comments?? πŸ˜€

    Well, to be frank, will buy a copy even if we don't πŸ™‚ provided you launch it in the first week of the month πŸ˜‰

  • Hey Congratulations!!!!.. I am following your blog since a long time and was really missing your updates… they reduced alot… now we get it why… :-)… Once again congratulations and Good Luck!!!

  • Congratulations! And with a title like that, you're sure to bag the “Man Booker Whitbread Nobel Oscar Sahitya Akademi Puraskar”. Will definitely dip into my beer fund and buy the book.

  • Cool!
    Have been a reader of your blog for about 2 years now…. I'll buy the book the day it's out!

  • definitely started saving up to buy the book, but please ensure the following things
    (1) dont release an expensive hardback version and them come up with a cheaper paper back 3 months later
    (2) Ensure your books are available outside india since many of your readers reside there.

  • I know what Im supposed to be seeing. but all I can see is a black rectangle sid.

    Please re-upload the image.

    Congrats btw :D. Waiting for the release date. Hope he title has ur signature “Whatay” in it.

  • Congratulations mr.! will set aside money for my copy, and 1 copy for pintu, munna, pappu, ramsay and everybody else who must laugh (if the book's not funny, we'll laugh at you) while taking a crap plus at all other times of the day… yay!

  • Many Many Congratulations Mr. Vadukut. Very amazing i say! Will definitely pick it up when its out.

    Also will be telling people how well i know you and how i have been reading your work since you were this high πŸ™‚ But seriously, good for you!

  • Hi Sidin!

    Great to know. Will be the first one to get it as soon as it hits the stands. Congrats. My wishes for it to sell a billion copies πŸ™‚

    Best Wishes,

  • “Yes my name is still causing trouble.” … Just drives you crazy, doesn't it?? Imagine your name being spelt “Karthick” by most people!! And im not even going to comment on the surname πŸ˜€

    Congrats Sidin!!! Can't wait to get my hands on that reading material!! πŸ™‚

  • congrats bud! Long due..
    From the title, I'm guessing it's going to be 4 books for the price one. With a center-spread thrown in too?! Lemme start saving up…

  • you mean you have just started working on it, or have almost finished it in the last year??? πŸ˜› if its the former, it doesn't account for the blog slow down of last year… aint it?? πŸ˜›
    Anyways looking forward to the venture…

  • congrats…I hope I can get buy it in my month's salary…..ok..ok..I forgot your name is not Ritu Beri :)) πŸ˜›

    best of luck!!!

  • What's in a name? anyway, if you think its worth changing, by all means you have all the right to change it. Its your identity but somehow it might cause confusion for those who already knew you with your usual name. Anyway, congratulations…

  • Congratulations! You've scared us all with the 'set aside money' bit. But a lil headsup prolly good, recession times and all.

  • 'Been reading 'whatay' for years now!

    Great to see you published. Please book a copy for me? πŸ˜‰

    All the best, saaar!! Ella bhaavukangalum nerunnu! πŸ˜›

  • Are they giving Franchisee ownership some such thingies to NRI folks…? How do we get to read your book? For example Almost single by Adavaita Kala was released here in Februrary in Amazon !!!! :(:(

    Karan Johar first appeases us NRIs u know! πŸ™

  • Mone ( not monne )-

    Have you heard the audio about the call center chick trying to talk to a mallu guy about his SBI card status.

  • So, your book is gonna say “Sad inside” on the cover? πŸ˜‰

    Congrats! I'm dropping a coin in my piggy bank every day to buy it.

  • Sidin!!
    I'm a regular here but been a while since I stopped by. Happy to note that 'Honey, you still got it!'.

    The money is ready… just say when!
    Btw, love the Delhi references since I'm here too now.. :).


    • Congrats!!! coming back to your blog after a break so saw this post only now. Do keep us posted.

  • Just discovered your blog a few days ago and you have me in stitches!! Savoring it post by post… s-l-o-w-l-y.. You can blot out all you want but then there is google and publisher greed ;). Is this the same you? πŸ˜€

    Please to tell those penguins to make things available outside India. We read too you know, albeit s-l-o-w-l-y. Meanwhile, I shall tell friends in b'lore to watch for it like hawks…

    Congratulations! Your writing is brilliant!

  • Your “Travails: article just reached my computer screen, in New York, 4 or 5 years later, and I decided to find you and tell you how much fun I think it is, and see what else you're writing – and I ran into this post so – that's exciting! and I too will set aside funds, in my case for postage (or airfare for me) as well as book purchase price.

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  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article’s content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites wonu2019t let you down.n

  • Hhe article's content rich variety which make us move for our mood after reading this article. surprise, here you will find what you want! Recently, I found some wedsites which commodity is colorful of fashion. Such as mbt outlet store that worth you to see. Believe me these websites won’t let you down.

By sidin
