Strangers on a train


Yes, yes I have finally moved bag, baggage and missus to Delhi and have spent the better part of the last week sneezing in our flat in Dwarka. (Thinking of the mammoth savings in rent I make here compared to my place in Wadala is somewhat comforting.)
But before I launch into blogging-as-usual-from-Delhi I must drop a line about an interesting incident that happened on the Metro a few days ago.

So there I am with the in-laws and the missus on the blue line from Connaught Place to Dwarka. The train is crowd-less but there aren’t any seats free. Somewhere mid-way, after Rajouri Garden I think, the mom-in-law gets a seat. She is wedged in between a Japanese mum with a PSP-clicking child, and a couple of African guys.

One of the African guys get up, my dad-in-law ushers the missus towards the empty seat. But before she can sit the African guy mumbles something and and scrambles his way back to the seat. The dad-in-law is very miffed and begins to say something when we calm him down and tell him to let it go.

Someone mumbles something about “better not take pangas” with “these African types”.

There is much wrathful eyeballing happening all around till both men get up just before Nawadah. Both the missus and dad-in-law take their place. I still stand. One of the guys comes over and says: “I give the old man a seat but he give it to that young woman. Young woman can stand. I want him to sit because he is old. In our country we respect old people.”

He sounds half-offended when he speaks.

I tell him that we respect old people in our country too.

Soon, but of course, we begin talking about India and Nigeria, which is where they are from. “Some things about India we like. Some things we don’t,” they say honestly when I ask them about living here. Turns out both guys are professional footballers with the Ruia Royals, a football team in the local Delhi league. (Anyone who can throw light on this please do. I could’nt Google up anything.) Both of them live in Nawadah and they were just back from a match.

When their station came we shook hands, patted backs, traded smiles and then they were off.

“These African types” were actually very nice people indeed.

I felt very, very sheepish after the whole incident.

Regular nonsense postings will resume from this weekend. Have a fantastic 2009 everyone!

About the author


  • Nice post. Always nice to see to better side of ppl when u least expect it. πŸ™‚

    btw, is blueline the bus service or the metro train route in Delhi?

  • There was this one time, when approached by a eunuch and having no money, I gave him my lipstick expecting my future seven generations to be cursed by Him. But He smiled! I will never forget that.

  • I've been to Uganda once. What a bunch of polite people!
    You have to say “How are you doing?” or words to that effect.
    Then the Ugandan person will say “I'm fine, and how are you doing?” or words to that effect.
    Then you ask for the tooth paste or chicken sandwich or whatever it is you went to buy in the first place.
    Serious. They think you abysmally rude if you miss steps 1, 2 and 3 above.

  • yeah.. In India we respect Women could have been a fitting response.. n Delhi actually has fottball clubs with international players.. tht is news to me!!!

    • I know! I am half-contemplating dusting off those football boots and hitting the pitch again. Unleash some of the famed Sidin Belly Passes that were all the rage on Abu Dhabi Indian School's football pitch.

  • Heylo!

    Welcome to Delhi..Me's a regular traveller on the Blueline Metro Route..Lemme know if you need any help on routes..:)

    Cheers to dilli ki sardi..;)

    PS: While still in winter, do take a metro ride to the Chandni Chawk metro station n have some nice paranthas there..I know its cliched, but its realllly worth it!

    • Ah yes. The famed paranthe-waali galli. The in-laws took me their once and I pigged out gloriously. Couldn't walk for days after…

  • I have been living in South Africa for better part of 3 years now.. I have never come across so nice and helpful people ever as in South Africa.. now, I can never call them “the african types” considering how nice and polite they can be…

    • Welcome!

      It is a terrible strereotype. And I've seen people make very rude comments at them in Indian languages at places like airports.

      Maybe I should get one of the African expats to write something here…

    • I agree. I've been to South Africa for work. I liked the natives there much much more than Indians I know for long. They were polite, friendly, happy and very inquisitive about Indians!

  • Aiyyo, Mon Delhi poyo?

    Delhi is a great city, yes, i second whoever it was who said take the metro to chandni chowk, its like taking a time machine to the 16th century…fabulous.

    And in India we respect women? that's news to me…you'd have to add In India we like to tell lies right after…

  • oh that reminds me. Moving to dillliiii ki sardi means that the missus will take your winter shopping.

    Do i smell a shopping blogpost cooking up? πŸ˜€


  • We lived in Nigeria for 7 years…..great people the Africans! My dad quickly learned to say hello, inquire about the shopkeepers sons, his business, his house and family and then buy something at the shops.

    Another thing – I remember my dad getting “dash” at the local market – a sort of extra from what we paid for. Be it tomatoes, potatoes or other vegetables – they would keep adding “dash” until my dad said enuuufff!!

      • Dash sounds like what is called 'brawta' in Jamaica…so if you're buying a dozen oranges a vendor with throw in an extra one as 'brawta'. its just a little extra to keep you coming back!

        • Dash sounds like what is called 'brawta' in Jamaica…so if you're buying a dozen oranges a vendor will throw in an extra one as 'brawta'. its just a little extra to keep you coming back! come to think of it its like a little bribe from vendor to buyer. i'm all for it!

          And in Jamaica too, great emphasis on courtesy, protocol, politeness and civility–it must be an 'African' thing!

  • Does Pastrami get to go along with you??? He was my hero! My God! My hrithik Roshan!! I'll miss you pastrami! Please marry me!!!

  • I take offence to your sentence
    ' β€œThese African types” were actually very nice people indeed.'
    which seems to indicate that all 'type' of people are guilty until proven innocent.

      • 1) I'm surprised AM took offense despite the quotes. It's obvious you're reinforcing the irony of stereotyping.

        2) I'm surprised you explain it with 'no offense meant', much as I understand you don't want to offend readers by not acknowledging them.

        3) So much for digression. What I came to say is that it's ironic that almost everyone who is likely to read this blog would know better than to bracket and stereotype, and the ones who should be learning from the episode will likely continue to remain in oblivion. Pitiful.

        4) I think I just put my foot in my mouth.


  • The racism ! – I used to live in Nigeria and I think the people there are a lot friendlier than in India. Arbit ppl would greet you.. especially the shopkeepers… yes, they want business but theres a certain beauty attached to the way they operate.. you end up feelin good about splurging πŸ™‚ . So, yes β€œThese African types” ARE actually very nice people indeed, as long as you arent emailing them ie πŸ™‚

    • The racism ! – I used to live in Nigeria and I think the people there are a lot friendlier than in India. Arbit ppl would greet you.. especially the shopkeepers… yes, they want business but theres a certain beauty attached to the way they operate.. you end up feelin good about splurging πŸ™‚ . So, yes β€œThese African types” ARE actually very nice people indeed, as long as you arent emailing them ie πŸ™‚

  • i always sit on the floor near the door opposite the station side on the tension of grabbing seats πŸ™‚

  • have been reading you for a few years now, but never commented. as it turns out, my loss. if we had gotten to know each other, i could have offered my unrented apartment in dwarka. have been looking for a tenant for a while now.

    anyway, have a great time in delhi

  • most of the time we go by perception..we assume the things in advance and we come out with our opinion. When we meet such type of incident than we think “OHH GOD WE WERE WRONG…

    nice posting…

  • in fact i find 'African types' people very friendly ( at least in New york city). In subways i come across some who are friendly and have tons of topics to keep the listener ( who always turns out to be I ) busy :))

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By sidin
