One weekend, much drink, considerable embarassment


Two unfortunate incidents happened over the course of last weekend.
The entire weekend was spent with Pastrami, BhaktiBong and IntercontinentalMan over the course of a wedding reception, a movie marathon on Saturday and then finally a cocktails by the sea thingie in Juhu on Sunday of which I have very little memory.

Incident No. 1:

We run into an old friend and his paramour at the cocktail by the sea thing. We’ve run into them together once before, at an early stage in their relationship, when he was trying to charm her at the Costa Cafe in Juhu. That evening I did the honourable engineer thing by not walking up to him, interrupting their romance or crimping his mojo.

Instead I walked out, then around, then stood outside the window, her back to me, and made faces at him, mimed kissing and hugging motions and, finally, thrusting movements with my hips. It is, as I mentioned, an engineer thing.

Back by the sea this was the second time we were seeing them together. I make polite conversation with him and then she speaks to me for the first time ever:

She: “Wow Sidin. You’ve REALLY bloated up man!” Her eyebrows go up and she rolls her eyes.


“You’ve REALLY bloated up man!”

There was a sizeable crowd when this transpired. Pastrami fought back laughter by downing a Kiwi Cajpiroska. BhaktiBong was already drunk and was at that time hitting on a slim, expensive looking table fan.

I briefly contemplated poking her in the eye with a cocktail sausage on stick. I was dumbstruck. I didn’t know what to say. In fact I didn’t speak for several minutes. It took me several drinks and one Oye Lucky Lucky Oye on the dancefloor to get over it.

Homework: Imagine if I had said the exact same words to her. Now where approximately, in my body, would she have disposed of the table fan? Why are women like that? Why do they even bring up the word “bloated” in normal cocktail party conversations?

Incident No. 2:

We’re driving to the Imax in Wadala to watch The Day The Earth Stood Still. There’s Pastrami, IntercontinentalMan and IntercontinentalMissus in the car. IntercontinentalMan is a batch mate of course but his wife is not. So she has plenty of questions about campus and all of our lives there and we respond with plenty of anecdotes.

At some point she decides to ask all of us about our dorm names. (Dorm names are the nicknames they give all new joinees at IIMA each year. It is a crucial part of tradition and many people stick to their dorm names for years after they graduate. Like “Vindi” Banga, I am told. Some more details on a newspaper piece I once wrote.)

Remember that we’ve been hanging out with IntercontinentalMan and the missus for a while. We’ve had a couple of dinners and so we’re not strangers by any means.

So InterconinentalMissus goes around discussing various dorm names until she comes to me. I am squirming now because I don’t particularly like mine: “Khujli”. (Don’t. Ask. Ever.)

InterconinentalMissus: So Sidin… what is your real name?


IMrs.: Tell na… What is it? And why is “Sidin” your dorm name?

Sidin: It isn’t.

IMrs.: “Sidin” is your real name? Not a dorm name?

Sidin: No. “Sidin” is my real name.

IMrs.: Oh…


Homework: Do you have a normal name like Ravi, Abhishek, Omanakuttan or Bhaskaran? Go kill yourself.

About the author


  • HAHAHAH sooper.
    and yes the first time my snobby eco teacher from college acknowledged my presence in this realm of the universe was by telling me (on my first visit back to college after 3 years) that i had become so FAT.
    bledy b$@%^

  • To start with…

    :))))) Its really funny – to be reading it, of course!

    But more seriously – I think commenting on the weight part is NOT done! Considering it was the first meeting, I would have prolly said something very sarcastic with a smile on my face 😀

  • You wouldn't expect complications with a name like Ashish, but I was mistaken for a drug dealer when I introduced myself to a foreigner in Goa once.

    “Ashish”, I said, shaking the man's hand.

    “Hashish? No thanks…I've already had a lot, ” were his last words as he hastily backed away.

    It didn't help that I was hanging out with a bunch of other wasted-looking guy friends at the time. That absence of women was an engineering thing too.

  • LOL 🙂
    (If I take your word, I have to kill myself).

    Btw, for weight reduction you can contact me, I have lost around 10 in 2.5 months & someone said I am like Adnan Sani. Though later 2 months I could only reduce 2 kgs, thanks to the weekly booze, finger chips, chocolates, icecreams and what not.

  • My name is Advitiya… not a normal name by any means… I've been called aditi, adviti, even adbudhi once! As a kid, in train tickets the agent used to get confused n my ma had to convince the tt that advitiya was a girl's name n not a boy as mentioned in the ticket!

  • …a thrwo abck on yr ifrst article abt south indian names, but good…….friend of mine was called TRIDIP …and guess what his nickname was ? Titsy! (hope u feel better now)

  • I loved reading through your blog … with so much work pending … I also loved the article on mint that you point at …

    being such a dedicated reader, i do deserve how Pastrami got his name … and WHAT was his name ….

    (1. See I didnt ask the origin of Khujli … 2. Pastrami deserves it too 😉 )

  • “Instead I walked out, then around, then stood outside the window, her back to me, and made faces at him, mimed kissing and hugging motions and, finally, thrusting movements with my hips. It is, as I mentioned, an engineer thing.”


  • Sidin is actually your real name?? I thought Sidin Vadukut was like Karate Mani or , you know, Jilebi Johnson or Tupac Shakur or something ( Or was the last one his real name ? 😉 . Btw, you sure she couldn't see you while you were doing those obscene acts behind her??.. cos that would explain everything 🙂

    • Jilebi Johnson! I love that name. Will use it in a blogpost as soon aspossible.

      You think she saw me in the window? I’d never really thought of that
      possibility. Next time I won’t be so subtle!

  • I love my name, but people sometimes don't believe it's really my name! (“seriously, Laila? Seriously??”)

    Btw, since I haven't even met you yet, if I say you've *REALLY* bloated up, do I get one up on the She by the Sea?

  • I love my name, but sometimes people seem to think I'm making it up (“seriously, 'Laila'??, seriously???”)

    Btw, since I haven't met you yet, if I say you've *REALLY* bloated up, will I get one up on the She by the Sea??


  • […] One weekend, much drink, considerable embarassment | Domain Maximus InterconinentalMissus: So Sidin… what is your real name? Sidin: IMrs.: Tell na… What is it? And why is “Sidin” your dorm name? Sidin: It isn’t. IMrs.: “Sidin” is your real name? Not a dorm name? Sidin: No. “Sidin” is my real name. IMrs.: Oh… Pastrami: CHOKE LAUGHTER CHOKE CHOKE (tags: humor sidin haha) […]

  • btw, did she ask ur brother's name? Its probably more common than urs though, but not in these parts of the world 🙂 . But on the bright side u'll never have any difficulty getting an email id with just ur first name.

  • A group of 3 was playing a game of stone paper scissors.. one had to be chosen the winner. all three tied the first 3 times. so to break the stalemate

    Sidin death rules were implemented…


  • Some sock on the face man, that… But given the fact that you are going on and on forever about your not so modestly endowed physique – you had that coming one way or the other… “ah sidin, dont mind calling him a fatso, he does that all the time on his blog. hajaar people who dont know him know that he is FAT… big deal!!! ki farkh painda hain yaar!!!” Got what I am saying?!?!?

    And regarding the name – Ah, not a sidin blog regular your IntercontinentalMissus I see. Else, if my memory serves me right, there are at least 2 articles devoted to this topic:

    1. South Indian nomenclature
    2. How Sidin got his name

    You should be giving the trackbacks to them I guess. In fact, blog more and HELL you dont have to even talk to people… You can just guide them to the blog with links… Whatay idea to improve hits, I say!!!

    And Pastrami!!! You dint intend to disclose him ever as in EVER?!?!? He is doomed to die in anonymity… I was always wondering if there would be a counter someday somewhere on this blog STAY WITH ME AS I UNVEIL PASTRAMI ON DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS

    You just smashed all those hopes. Nice article to be back. But more often please!!!

    • Oopsie!!! I mean the IntercontinentalMissus REFERRED to as such in your blog. I did not intend to say you have a IntercontinentalMissus too. Not that I can vouch for the absence of hers though… Wink wink nudge nudge….

      • Hi Guys!
        Just wanted to send in a quick update- India's First book on corporate blogging written by top CEO blogger Rajeev Karwal and social media researcher Preeti Chaturvedi titled “Corporate Blogging in India” was launched at the Oxford Bookstore in Delhi on the 10th of Dec. A hardback version of the book, priced at Rs 345 is available at all leading bookstores. We have created a blog for the same at Corporate Blogging in India. If you don't find a copy at some bookstore, please order the same through our website

  • Instead I walked out, then around, then stood outside the window, her back to me, and made faces at him, mimed kissing and hugging motions and, finally, thrusting movements with my hips. It is, as I mentioned, an engineer thing.


    I can understand 😛

  • Gud one…
    Your Homework Note provoked me to ask u to write a sequel to the Travails of Single South Indian Male …on a name like Parvati Omanakuttan making it to the Miss(ed) World title.

    • 'Instead I walked out, then around, then stood outside the window, her back to me, and made faces at him, mimed kissing and hugging motions and, finally, thrusting movements with my hips. It is, as I mentioned, an engineer thing'


      Speaking as a tambram engineer with 28 letters in his wholesome, curdrice enriched name, I would like to thank you for paraphrasing 4 years of engineering education in 3 lines.

  • Wow! SIDIN is your “real”-name then!!! I thought it as a dorm name! 😉

    Anyway, my good old-fashioned quintessential Bong name Arindam has been much maligned by the Gujjus ('Arihant' – my name doesn't remotely pronounce like that even :(, 'Arvindam' – this one is the better of the lot, 'Haridam' – I really hate this one!, etc. etc.) and now the Kannadigas (Again Arvindam, Aruda, Haridaman, etc. etc.). Even my title becomes SCEN, SINGH, and what not … Poor me used to think it is one of the most famous Bong titltes!

    Arindam Sen

  • Hi,

    I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be very good.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘doamin maximus’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;

    BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!

    This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. 🙂


  • Imagine what poor… Titty Mathew, Sheetal Hathi and Cindrella Prakash feel like. (Cindrella, by the way handles the pr account for Barbie.)

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By sidin
