Blogger crippled by floundering economy


Many of you think believe that us blogger/writer/journalists live lives of luxury and excess. What with the traveling, the informal work attire and the fluffy deliverables. “Maybe this week I will write a piece on the potato!” is what most of you think we are thinking about all the time with our feet propped up on our tables and pint bottles of Carlsberg in our hands. No meetings to attend, no spreadsheets to crunch and no reports to file.
But alas the truth must be told. Our lives are not all milk and honey. We do not live merry lives. And this current economic downturn is hitting us very hard indeed. To highlight this I present the photo of a note the maid left on our refrigerator door a few days ago. Merely the act of embedding it here is causing tears to well up in my eyes.

Look what the global melt-down has done to the Domain Maximus household:

fridge note

Merely a diet of pulao and nimbu pani is what fuels this blogger. Have mercy readers! I am accepting donations in the form of cash and Nintendo Wiis.

Okay now I need to go get another Carlsberg.

p.s. The other blog has a little graph you might like to check out. Especially if you have an MBA.

About the author


  • Hmmmm… I see your point – the downturn in the economy can have such strange ripple effects…
    But nothing like a Wii for a boost. You so need it.

  • Nice one!
    btw, can you send me the link about the blog u wrote while in iima – it was a write up for launchin a radio station, ‘roman dimension’ smth about the punju-mallu combination, if i rem right; i need to forward it around as one of the top picks from this site..

    more traffic for your efforts, but obviously! πŸ™‚

  • lol…good one…lets just pray that the next note doesnt read “chawal bana k rakhe hain, sabziyan khatm. paani glass mein rakha hai, nimbu khatm.”

  • why have bread when you can have the cake ( and eat it too !!! ) … if you have a free flow of carlsberg why bother about nimbu paani ???
    very proactive maid though … let the economy go to the dogs … she’ll never be jobless !!!

  • he he! we sure will have mercy.and ensure that we read everything you write πŸ™‚
    but can’t take the responsibility of converting that to cash!

    Happy writing. For we enjoy reading!



  • Hehhwaahwhahaw!!! Sorry, my apologies for the state of affairs! House in this level of dissarray can mean only one thing – Missus out to maikey…
    We shall donate Tata salt and saffola oil!!! Should make your maid happy! πŸ™‚ WHATsAY?

  • Hahaha.Very poignant. And ur maid definitely knows how to get her point across in as few words as possible. Do i sense an accusatory tone though behind the words?? lol πŸ˜€

  • Rejoice, atleast you have no food, but you have the money for the maid who cooks and cleans and is literate enough (so she must charge a bomb)! So much so for the credit crunch affecting the blogger/writer/journalists folks.

  • Ah! Seems Google AdSense is reading something entirely different from your post….I see “Flatten your tummy in 5 days. Click here” Ads πŸ™‚
    and isn’t it supposed to be ‘Nimbu’ pani? Or is ‘Limbu pani’ a slang for LimCarlsberg πŸ˜‰

  • On the other hand , I think the blogger seems to be filthy rich for who can afford a maid who cooks these days, The last time I ‘ve heard maids/chefs cook was way back in the Gupta’s /Maurya’s era….I think you should be the one donating the Wii’s or maybe iphone’s including a 3 year plan…??

  • Have been reading some of your previous stuff on Business Line. Why dont you do any more humourous writing any more?I personally liked the non-serious stuff you did on economic & management topics. It was your unique style. Now its difficult to see the Sidin shining through – its humdrum journalistic stuff you-know-what-i-mean?

  • Without the namak, the chini, and the tel, you guys must be really fit eh! hehh!!!:))Should make it easier for you to prop your legs on some fluffy cushions while blogging away!;)

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By sidin
