Notice: Write well. Write little. Make money.


Those are things I have been dying to do myself for the last many, many years. While it is technically possible two make a lot of money while writing very little, I doubt if any of those methods are actually legal.
But a few days ago my dear friend and partner in editorial crime Peter Griffin informed me of the Caferati-Livejournal Flash Fiction contest. Caferati, as we all know, is what they call the coffee machine in a Maserati. Ha! Humour! Thanks.


No Caferati is, according to the site: “writers helping other writers with tips, suggestions, encouragement, through critique, workshops and exercises.” Nothing like some awesome criticism to make a budding new writer go back to day job no? (Again, kidding.)

So if you are one of those people who want to know how to write, where to write, what to write and so on then Caferati are good people to hang out with.

Also, while you are at it, participate in the Flash Fiction Contest:

Can you tell a quicker, snappier story than anyone else? Would you care to pit your story-telling abilities against those of your peers?

Quick Tales, the LiveJournal – Caferati Flash Fiction contest, asks you to tell us a story in 500 words or less. On offer: delicious cash prizes, global visibility and the chance to be part of a book.

These are the cash prizes most delicious:

  • 1st Prize: Rs 19,999
  • 2nd Prize: Rs 16,000
  • 3rd Prize: Rs 12,000
  • 4th Prize: Rs 8,000
  • 5th Prize: Rs 4,000

So hurry. Don’t let Abhinav Bindra be the only guy winning things. Games Village closes on September 7th. Click on the Quick Tales link above to flash your… err… fiction.

Tomorrow’s Domain Maximus agenda: Blog once and for all about MBA-entrance related questions.

About the author


  • Wow..didnt know that..thanks 4 the heads up..will def check it out..after all you’re there 4 the inspiration na..

  • Sid,
    Am an avid reader and Whatay has helped me though many traumatic days at work!! Must say this is the most dissapointing post coz I hough of you as a well “versed” and “well fed” πŸ™‚ mallu boy …Now I think you are just well fed! πŸ™‚ Proof ofpie is in pudding:Re-Read the first sentence !
    “While it is technically possible two ” (Spelling mistake! — It should have been too!!)
    Me thinks you were in cafeteria they day they taught grammar in school!!!!

  • Oh!!! and I can be forgiven for the same crime of having all my text garbled coz I am typing this at 12 in the night from the other side of the atlantic!!! πŸ˜€ Muhahahah!

  • I went there and saw that you need to have a Live Journal account to participate. A good marketing strategy from Live Journal, but disappointing for the bloggers who use other platforms (create a Live Journal blog just for this contest is a No-No from me).

  • “Blog once and for all about MBA-entrance related questions.” Now this seems to be one really interesting article… πŸ˜‰

  • Thanks for the info. Sometimes it isn’t possible to make a lot of money even when you’re writing a lot…. but I guess the post title answers that one well enough.

  • Well well.. Two posts in two days.. Active blog => The writing career isn’t going too well, is it?.. πŸ™‚

  • well, I am truly lost for words…its a blog with original humor after a long long time…and yes I did send in an entry for the caferati thing sometime back and the entry is my latest post…do read it and leave behind some criticism.
    Scribblers Inc.

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By sidin
