Good advice


HDFC banker on Monday: Good time to buy some Mutual Funds you know…
That lady who handles Citibank account later that Monday: Mr. Vadukut you must do some SIPs now. It is a good time to buy.

Pastrami most days: BUY BUY BUY BUY

CNBC: Due to the fluctuating market tendencies and the global uncertainties especially due to unclear signals from emerging markets it is possible that the markets this week may show some signs of push-back in correlation with the inflationary data coming out of *Switched off TV*

Sidin on Friday: Well maybe I should buy a little of this… and maybe a little of this DSPML Tiger fund and maybe… *gentle rustle of funds being transferred online*

Sensex on Monday, 9th of June: Apocalypse Now!

Sigh. Should have bought that EeePC instead.

About the author


By sidin
