Anecdoting by the water cooler

An image of Amitabh Bachchan
Actually it was the open air eating area on the terrace where the journalists here retire to when they need a break from the hectic Youtube video watching pursuing of truth and fact for the upliftment of mankind. We were swapping celebrity gossip over lunch from Pritam when a colleague recalled this most embarrassing incident, as told to her, about a rookie photographer just assigned to photograph India’s biggest star, no less.

The photographer waits, along with journalist who would shortly interview the star for a newsmagazine, while the star himself is quickly combing his hair and, I assume, trimming that salt and pepper french beard.

Amitabh Bachan walks out of the room, rookie photographer begins to palpitate just a little bit, breathing deeply, the colour draining from his face. This is one of his first assignments ever.

AB: Okay I am ready.

Rookie Reporter:

AB: Hello?

RR: Hello sir. Are you comfortable in front of the camera?




RR: *life flashing before his eyes, while simultaneously evaluating other career options*

Rest of the room: Deathly silence

AB: (Frosty) I will try to make myself comfortable in front of the camera.

RR: Thank you.

Image courtesy Wikipedia.

About the author


  • Haaiiiiinnnnn, you pique our curiosity and then just leave it at that? Out with the whole story Sidin!

  • It seems Sid, u’ve finally got a job thats keepng u busy. Else ur humorous posts wudnt be dat short!Either way wil b waitng eagerly, as alwys.

  • SPLAT! POW! DUCK! WHAM! — The pic in the post prompted this reader to duck under the nearest table knocking off a few collegues and some flower vases in the process.
    I almost thought, fuelled by an extreme wave of “Busy”ness, Sidin is redirecting all the readers on this page to the pathetic attempts at blogging of the great and mighty who are not born with an inherent talent for the same.

    With trepidation and fear, a thousand prayers on the lips, we continued reading. And experienced a tidal wave of relief, as we realised that things are not that gory in here yet. Bless God for small mercies!!!

    So we gladly forgive you for all that hoopla caused in the first paragraph.

    So now, coming really to the point – When can we smack our lips and say “Finally! Another 3000-word blogpost full of mindless drivel and pointless trivialities from daily life put in short sentences with excessive adverbs by a bloke who tries in vain to pose off as a handsome and humorous malayali boy with minor weight issues?!??!

    • BTW, a jolly good question to ask the Big Bee though! Given the amount of time, he spends blogging for free, I guess its not unwarranted either. Maybe he is more comfortable punching away at the keyboard with “a single finger”… (His own words, mind you.)

  • I like this post. I like Archana’s comments also. It is Shakespearean. Most of what she has to say is all over my head. The poetry is slightly more for my understanding. I will wait for Sidin’s sure reply on her comment – must be a one-liner?

  • This was a nice one. Better than the lengthy travelogues I forced myself to read just because I ‘try’ to read all your posts, and often fail. 🙂
    However, are you sure the expression was Frosty? The I-shall-try-to-be-comfortable is very Bachchanish but I believe the expression would be a warm smile instead.

  • Watching AB on the small screen during interviews these days, I strongly suspect that he is hard of hearing.Observations: a. He has that look of intense concentration b. in group discussions he speaks only when he is addressed directly (lip reading?)

  • Hahaha…poor chappie- I so feel for him!! And only AB can come up with something so congenially sarcastic – yikes! Like I said…poor chappie!

  • Carry on Sid. Laksham laksham pinnale. Maybe you should explore the availability of arsenic take -aways in Mumbai – should the missus torment you so much. 🙂

By sidin
