Psycho SPAM tactics


If inadequate manhood was not enough reason to make me potentially feel insecure, them SPAM sending fiends have taken this psychological attack on yours truly to newer, higher…er…heights. This snapshot is fresh from my Gmail spam folder:

Focus your eyes on email number 3 and 8.

Ugly and insubstantial is this man. Sigh.

About the author


  • Telepathy at work here. I was planning on showing a snapshot of my spam folder too. Anyways this makes me feel sooo much better. I thought I was the only one with a stupid face!

  • I believe I also have a stupid face. All stupid-faced spam receiving Whatay readers, put your hands up…*Mexican wave like movement, Sidin. I think you’re okay.*

  • I checked my SPAM folder only after seeing this post. And it is quite interesting to note that Gmail SPAM doesn’t seem to differentiate genders. it sends similar SPAM to all subscribers. Indeed ROTFL after seeing those mails.
    And yeah, count me in among those stupid-faced individuals 🙁

  • And this made me check my spam box and realized even I was “stupid”
    Tara Little has sent me a mail telling me , you know what 😉
    Oh gosh!! So many of those mails…….

    Belittled me

  • Got one of those ‘You are always on my mind’ mails, except i got it from a certain J. Loyd…Beat that!!! 🙁

  • Yes… Orkut fortunes are no less funnier. ‘An important business development is shaping up’ for the 100th time first thing in the morning can tell on a startup guy’s temper like no other piece of communication.

  • Or maybe it’s one of those brilliant people who comment on rediff just miffed with your posts 😉

  • Uggh, now now now… You ACTUALLY check your spam folder! :O All the friends/fans/acquaintances must be ignoring you big time in the virtual world for you to be driven to such extereme and compulsive mailchecking types! Or you really one of the “real geeks” who believe the world will stop if you dont open up at least 20 mails per day? Even if it were spam?
    Not really nit-picking, but on such extereme days, its a better option you keep yourself busy by checking all the available ORKUT scrapbooks! Friend, friends of friends, friends of friends of friends and some cool looking dudes in thier lists! [:P]

  • Btw, the numbering of emails starts with 0 or 1!!! 😛
    But seriously felt relieved, after all I am not the only stupid or a stupid face 😀

    Welcome back to blogging, hope you don’t disappear again 🙂

By sidin
