Join the party…


Ok before you get your hopes up I need to tell you that this is not a brand new full length blog post. No sir. That will take another day or so. (I have been very busy sorting out some work-related stuff. Some announcements maybe expected on the weekend coming.)

But in the meanwhile you might want to check out a Rediff article recently posted and, more importantly, the comments that follow it.

I will keep a framed, blown-up copy of this image on my wall at home for keepsakes:

vday rediff

Please join the party here: 10 days to score a Valentine’s Day date.


About the author


  • That was not your finest work Sidin, but hey with commenters like that you dont need to be funny. Next time you can just write
    This is a funny article. Laugh

    And let the commenters do their bit. You deserve better. Its a wake up call. There are lots of them. Walking amongst us. We cant see them but they make themselves known through such asinine comments. Losahs. They are below pity. Sigh.

  • Dude,
    I dont know what to laugh more at – reading your posts, or the rediff readers who take life seriously. I think it would have been better if you had exited out of Rediff instead of BL.


  • Dude,
    Start putting in a disclaimer for readers unfamiliar with your work at the start of every article outside this blog before some hardcore nationalists burn your effigies and ransack the rediff office


    p.s. POST MORE OFTEN !!!!!!!!!! @#$%^& !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • That should teach you to write for Rediff! Or, at least, keep the article open for comments.
    I love comment number 44 or something (“Utter B.S.”), who goes “there are 2 main drawbacks to this plan”, and then goes on to list four. Genius!

    Also, as the above have said, not the best you’ve written. A trifle overblown even for satire. But funny.

  • Looks like Raja Sen has competition.
    Suggest you find a new apartment – it will be doubly dangerous if they burn down your house instead of Sen’s, esp. since you will be busy trying to save the passports (Gelf habits die hard, I am afraid).

    • Praveen Gopal Krishnan aka PGK from NIT Trichy??
      Dood, are you still working for the Economic Times? And congrats and ATB for the Passion for thing – hope you win it…

      Looks like NITT people are all going places!


  • Why do you even bother with the moronic commenters on Rediff? They seem to have their sense of humor and sarcasm surgically removed at birth.Like maxaud says, you should insert laughtrack cues into your posts πŸ˜‰

  • I already read the article on rediff and was just talking to a friend that for your weekly column you don’t need to use your creativity, just go through the comment section and you will have enough masala for your next week’s column…. πŸ™‚

  • OMG, for once the reader is more hilarious than the writer syndrome πŸ˜€
    ans as Abhishek Bachchan said (or was directed to mouth the words) – “jab log tumhare baare main bura kahen, tab sochlo, tumne taraqqi karli” or some such thing to the effect. πŸ˜€

  • OMG!! my condolences Sidin..u poor thing! I cant believe someone has actually pointed out the loopholes in your 10-day plan!!sign indeed!!

  • Sidin, missus and me were shocked to read in BL that you will no longer be at their service… damn shame… you will be sorely missed. used to look fwd to Monday mornings because of your articles. I truly hope that was a joke. Maybe they r getting more kanjoos than they already r! :)))

  • hear, hear…
    no moderation of rediff messageboard please……..the messages at the rediff are the fuel that keeps me going. I am sure one day rediff will publish 20 years collection or such just like that letters to whatever that adult magazine was

  • Sidin,With comments like those in Rediff, you really shouldnt ask to be paid for your work :). I thought this one was the best:

    by Prachi Acharekar on Feb 05, 2008 01:51 PM | Hide replies

    This is bullsh**

    Guys, dont even try this. If you are single, ask a friend out, just for a casual catup on V day. Dont be do desperate as the author has stated above, just for a date on Vday.
    Its utter nonsense!
    Prachi’s attempt to warn any misguided guys makes me sooo sad. Kashtum!

  • Goodness Gracious Me!!!!!!!! Sid, what has the blogging world come down to!!!!!!!!! hahaha, Try not to analyze it too much Sid, isn’t good for your health. To be very honest, neither you nor Raja Sen belong to Rediff. You are way above for that and rediff displays a lot of yellow journalism along with TOI and other media moguls in the country and generally attracts audience of the same caliber.
    I am sure it would hurt your pocket if you would stop writing to rediff and such like but knowing you in this little while, you come across as a person who would never compromise on what you like/dislike on doing whats right. You have all my support, My Man….

  • That was cruel mate, real cruel … i mean its a crime makin so many ppl make such big fools of themselves in front of so many ppl (nicely convoluted that statement is i think, or this one too for “that” matter …. which makes this sound so zappy .. ok, relaxxxxx)..
    Basically, a good post with knockout responses … keep goin πŸ™‚

  • HA. I dint know what to feel after reading the comments to that one. I thought you’d stop writing for the rest of your life! Here’s a little encouragement from my side.

  • “But what happens from this point onward is really in your hands.”
    — It always IS in our hands… isnt it? you sly, double meaning trickster!! πŸ˜‰

  • dude…in a country where amitabh carried out most of your suggestions with finesse…not surprised that people took it seriously…
    however…not one of your better articles I guess…most of the humor was stuff i had heard earlier.


    PS – i do read all your blogs.

  • πŸ˜› That was a funny post but who can tell to rediff readers!!! Everything on rediff is a life and death matter. Anything and everything leads to either North Indian-South Indian drama or indo-pak verbal war or Hindu-muslim thrift. Its hilarious to see people taking this post so seriously that they are even doing a post mortem in the name of practicality. πŸ˜› πŸ˜›
    Good Way to keep the them busy πŸ˜›

  • as I read that article on rediff, i kept imagining you standing with a mic in your hand, delivering an animated narration of the article to a live audience, a la jerry seinfeld !perhaps you should try that, and you can have a guy in front standing with cue signs “laugh”, “grin”, roll on floor”….to deal with the wits from rediffville πŸ™‚

    Fun stuff, this blog. Bookmarked in “daily checks” folder πŸ™‚

  • I’m still wondering exactly what the first set of people were thinking when they found the article.. or even just read the article.. or even decided to leave a comment :)There is scope for a discussion on the desperation of the average Indian that he/she would read the article and actually take it seriously.

    You really should have a post about Rediff responses. You have interesting ones, even from the past.. πŸ˜‰

  • i know u will be blushing purple with my adulation that follows but its really honest. Ur my fav indian writer after the biggy league of tagores, shashi tharoors , mulk raj anands. I tried writing like u and by gawd, there is this cute lil thing who loves it. who knows…this rotten penny may shine!
    anyways, dont get bogged down by the comments on rediff. and keep posting in a more regular manner.

    bon appetit.

  • Dont bother about such remarks, Sidin – your humor is wasted on such people who dont have any sense of it. For us, the loyal Sidin readers – you are the very best! Looking forward to the next post πŸ™‚

  • Brilliantly funny Sidin (as usual!). Loved the comments as well as the post.
    Check this one out “by alok praveen”:

    “At least the author got the chicks to respond, I have seen in other articles its mostly the guys who respond”

    This chick, is HIGHLY amused!!

  • Hey man!
    Well like all shmart posts in WIMWI, would’ve been zimbler had our chickmagnet put a disclaimer up front πŸ˜€

  • I like all ur writings except the valentine day one. I will be happier if u publish a post like – “Valentines Day for Losers – Top 10 things to do if you are a loser”. Losing is not bad! – between winning and losing, I prefer losing because it requires absolutely no effort and it is free for all. There is no free sex .. except for losers.

  • After seeing the response on Rediff, I wonder if there ‘s anyone who’s actually going to try your steps ( hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhaa !!! ) That would be the icing on the cake ….
    here’s one that had me giggling

    “who stupid wrote this… it is better to watch cows grazing grass than reading this …..”

    tee hee ! You must write a follow up to the response, u know educate the masses πŸ™‚

  • LOL, Sidin please do not stop writing for REDIFF. Puhleej!
    With WHATAY not being updated regularly, the comments on REDIFF are the only solace to us, the SIDIN regulars. πŸ™‚ Dont know what amuses me more – the post or the asinine comments. High time you applied for Z-grade security methinks.

  • hey waiting for posts……y dont u write more often …the only source of humor in office..(other then my boss ,of course)

  • Heyu seem to be very busy these days eh..
    guess the compilation is gonna be real thick

    btw have u seen the new jumbo king print ads..where they bash McDs?

    ive got it on my blog, check it out.

  • Though I am not a net savvy, but had to β€˜search the net’ to find you and your articles!!And hey beleive me, this article isnt ‘that’ bad πŸ˜‰
    But Sid, ill definately miss your articles in BL. And hey, did i tell you that i really quit my job after reading your last article ‘How to exit your workplace’ in BL!!

    Keep posting on Whatay.

  • post more often man..whats the idea of posting once in 3 months…and why do you always say “another post in a day or two” when it should be more like “in a month or two”

  • Sorry Sir,
    Although, I did not find your V-day article as funny as others, this comment by someone in rediff takes away the trophy ANYTIME!!

    “Traditionally in India it is the month of FALGUN which is celabrated as month of love and frolic starting from day 1 till culmination in HOLI.

    From day one of Falgun starts the singing, dancing and flirting starting in the evening after dinner and carrying on well beyond midnight.

    Holi gets celebrated also as reconciliation with larger society and show of love for the society as a whole.

    When we have such super month and traditons the Valentine day sounds utter nonsense and most rididculous and loss of great tradition.

    It needs to be recalled that Romans had lot of connection with India including that of laguage. Like Julian Calender was a poor copy of Vikrami Sammat so is Valentine a poor copy of our Basant celebrations. In Gujarat Dandia is still popular so how come that we are neglecting Falgun and taking interst in one day of Valentine which was supposed to coincide with our Basant Panchmi. It is the mischief of card manufacturers.” == K.K.Vaisoha

  • Sidin, you are letting your crowd down. I am desperately in need of office humor. Can you please recruit a few B.A from one of those mumbai colleges and train them to write humor, just add a few masalas to it and publish in your blog. In that way, it will be more fun. You can tell all your critics like the above one that you were not aware who wrote it. And yet publish a book and sell to your fans like us. us includes me and my friends.

  • Hey Sidhin,
    did you lose your mind somewhere.please keep posting.Monday mornings are dull these days without your blogs

By sidin
