El networko del wirelesso in la home-o of meo


My heart aches. I am fighting back the tears of indignation that well up. Cannot cry during Diwali, I tell myself, as I sob in time with the roaring of the AC in the office so that no one notices.

How could you people do this to me? How could you let me carry on this blog with two copies of the exact same blogroll on the sidebar of this page for two whole weeks without as mush as a peep.

All you people care about are the blog posts and the content and the wisecracks and all that. I am just  a piece of meat, with some words thrown all over it, for you guys.

I feel used. I have removed the extra blogroll. But our relationship is never going to be the same again.

ROAR! Sob!

In other news the missus managed to destroy the tryanny of under-connectivity perpetrated upon us by the vile people at Wilson Cable here in Wadala East. She is terribly proud of it and I think it only right that I tell you all about her moment of inspiration which now helps me, literally, to run around anywhere in the house and browse porn interesting material on applied sciences and contemporary sociology.

The Wadala East area is heavily under the control of a cable-internet cartel managed by the people at Wilson Cable. They may sound like a nice, warm and friendly outfit in the english countryside as depicted by Blyton or Herriot.

"Hey it’s the man from Wilson! Hello Tommy! Top of the morning to you laddie. Good show with that Set Top Box. DVD quality indeed!".

To which the real Wilson Cable people from Antop Hill would respond: "Oh why don’t you pop over with me to this khopcha and I could, perhaps, feast you on some of my special and copious  kharcha pani."

You take panga with these people at your own risk. They have their own TV channel and stuff. These are bad asses I tell you. Ms. D’Costa from upstairs refused to pair her bill last year on account of poor picture quality. Then one day she went to the airport to catch a flight and was never heard from since. (Some say she migrated to Canada. But we are not believing that story.)

And yet the missus prevailed. Woo hoo!

The thing is this. We have a 256 kbps connection laid to our home by the people from Wilson. Now they may be tough nuts but they are reliable people to do business with. The connection works well and more than once, minutes away from a column deadline, they have repaired a down line so I can mail off things.

Two years ago, when we first got the connection, you could plug in the ethernet line into any PC’s lan port and dial up. All you needed was a PPPOE connection. (Look it up. Basically it is a way to put a dial up connection on the end of a broadband connection so that there is some security and control.)

Then suddenly one day we received a call from the Wilson Cable office. There was a moment of discomfort in the home when we saw the caller id flashing. What did…. gulp… they want… with us? Gulp. Shudder.

"Ab ek hi MAC address chalega… Nahi… Sorry… Bas ek. Aapko kuch problem hai to aap ek kaam keejiye, Antop Hill Wilson office mein aayiye… Oh Ramu! Woh peeche waalah ‘discussion’ room khulwake rakhna…"

Apparently some genius had signed up for one of their unlimited internet connections and then, through a router, set up an illegal internet cafe. So they decided that henceforth they would have two types of accounts: cheap single user accounts for poeple like us, and more expensive multi-user accounts subject to location checking and vetting.

We did not complain and continued to use several laptops on our connection, all using MAC address spoofing but, of course, only lappie at a time. And we always paid Wilson Ke-bill on time. Heh! (Phew. That one’s been inside me for months.)

Then last week, the tech geek that I am, I decided to have a wifi enabled home. This way I could work online not only in the bedroom, but also absolutely anywhere in the living room. Imagine!

Two days later a shiny, cute Netgear wifi router was shipped in by Ebay and I eagerly unpacked it with dreams of complete domestic mobile computing in my eyes.

Eight hours later I went to bed with the sheer ecstasy of someone who had just wasted eight hours of his life and 2000 bucks (inclusive of VAT) of his hard earned money.

I had forgotten one simple fact. Stupid me. Even if I had spoofed MAC ids all over the place on both lappie and router, the network would still not allow more than one device to access it. Therefore even if I was hooked up to the internet, and the lappie was hooked up to the router I could do nothing with the network.

"Connection ek, aur computer do! Bahut na insaafi hai!" the network would say unnecessarily falling back on a tired Sholay cliche yet again.

Therefore I was adamantly left offline. Completely unable to get on the net and do anything.

Except, of course, obsessively update the software on the Netgear router.

But after four hours of this, the initial exuberance dims somewhat. "Goddammit you fool! NO NEW FIRMWARE VERSION! F&@# I quit!" was the sort of message the router was beginning to spew.

I gave up and went to bed. A sad, broken man.

Next morning I gave the wonderful people at Wilson a call to find out what was wrong.

"Aapne ghar pe ROUTER lagwa diya!" he said with undue emphasis on that exclamation mark. Apparently I had broken some unmentioned rule of the Cable Omerta. After a few moments of pregnant silence he said that this would not work and I would HAVE to take a multi-user account. At a little more than double the rent I pay now. "Main aapko ek aisa offer doonga jisko aap mana nahi kar sakte!" he said. I hung up immediately and ran for protection to the honourable Don Bosco chapel nearby.

Later at home I walked over to the router, packed it back into it’s box, then into the Ebay envelope and then placed it on the coffee table in the living room to forever remind me of my folly.

That evening, back home from work, the wife suddenly had a brainwave. The sort of idea that only comes to those truly gifted with IT. A eureka moment sans compare.

"Use the router as a node. Don’t let it dialup. Then connect to the wifi network with lappie and dialup as usual. Should work…"

I had tears in my eyes. I ran to her and fell to my knees as I tripped over the internet wire. But no matter. I got up and did exactly as she wanted me to: did the dishes and put out the washing to dry.

Then I worked on the router.

Would you believe it? It was working perfectly. Now we have internet anywhere at home. Everywhere at home.

Truly we are a tech advanced household.

If you want to see how it works you are welcome to drop in for a looksee. However we have hidden away the router behind the flush tank of the attached bathroom.

We don’t want them Wilson Cable people ever finding out. And don’t you be telling them a word. Silencio. Mucho secreto! Grazie.


About the author


  • sigh, we have that at my parents’ home in Bangkok. i miss it so much.i think im going to bribe my husband into getting one soon.
    oh and you really MUST love the people in your blogroll THAT much to place them twice! thats why they didnt say anything!! they loved it!

    that or your blog had hiccups.

  • Hurrah! I love your blog. Came here fortuitously [5 syllables!] while randomly surfing blogs. A Romila ‘s blog [Rustic Notes] claimed you were Wodehousian in style and this I had to see for myself. So I came here and I “yenjaaied like yenything” though I must say, I have only read the one hair-raising tale of your illegally outfoxing the Wilson Cable-wallahs.I think I shall be back. This is promising.

  • Please to be using WPA and not WEP, or neighbours will be stealing your net. Issued in public interest. Yes Mr. Neighbour, I have been mooching off your connection for two months now. I hope you have an unlimited plan.

  • Sidin,You should have asked us the readers !!!!, Thats what I have at my home, I have a regular router connected to cable modem and another wireless one to be used as a gateway.
    For the last five years, bathroom magazines were replaced by the laptop :-).

    So did you say dialup from the laptop ?
    Was is a dialup over normal cable ? or DSL ?
    Whats the best speed you can buy in Mumbai ?

    check your speed at



  • “I had tears in my eyes. I ran to her and fell to my knees as I tripped over the internet wire. But no matter. I got up and did exactly as she wanted me to: did the dishes and put out the washing to dry.
    Then I worked on the router.”


  • as of now i connect my wire-full LAN using the same technique. my friend told me it was a bit retrograde. but now i know it is a safer bet… then again I don’t have Wilson Cable … MTNL zindabad!

  • My comment is to your lastest rediff article on modern art.i was in bits when i read:
    “But to me, from a purely existential perspective untinged by context, it looks like a lungi draped over an old bicycle?”

    hahaha… lol

    But on a serious note your articles on rediff lack genuine humour. Blog entries here are more interesting πŸ™‚

  • Well, if you got a good wireless router, you’d be able to make its public interface MAC address cloned. Then use that as the gateway. Your laptops/PCs would revert to their original MAC addresses.
    Of course the router does NAT, so the cable folks have no way of knowing there are two devices on your network. The router must dialup with PPPoE.

    Guaranteed to work :-).

    IAANE (I Am A Network Engineer)

  • Hi Sidin,don’t want to take away the credit – but there is no need to for all this circus.
    The restriction put by Wilson cable is nothing new. all broadband service providers like BSNL, Airtel etc allow only one device to be directly connected to internet. i.e, only one PPPoE connection and only one IP address.

    What you need is:
    configure the wireless router to do PPPoE and connect to internet. Enable DHCP on the wirless router so that it will allocate IP address to all machines at your home. all machines at your home will use wireless router as the router. (i.e. none of your laptops should do PPPoE. They just connect to wireless router over wifi and use wireless router as the router).

    The wireless router will do NAT ( i.e. convert IP address of all lap tops so that into the internet only one IP address goes).

    The advantage with this is, you do not have the restriction of connecting multiple machines at the same time. You can connect as many as you want.


  • Jeez man!
    I’ve read tech magazines since 9th grade.. but still its not as close to what ‘gyaan’ u jus gave.!

    Awesome stuff.! Great goin Sidin.. And the missus too! πŸ™‚

  • hehe…..congratulations on getting wirless!
    btw, what’s the network coverage area of your router? was just wondering how many internet-less souls could benefit from your wifi home πŸ˜› of course, only if you were unsmart enough to keep the access free πŸ˜‰

  • I stay in Wadala. I have recently noticed a new unsecured Wi-Fi connection, which I have been happily using. Upto now I was not sure who to thank for the benevolence. Now I know. And yes, I am calling the Wilson cable people rightaway to let them know I don’t need any internet subscription. I think that that will add to my safety perception.

  • Enjoyed the humor!
    I have the reverse predicament though. As the gateway, I see it would work.. but how else did you have it configured originally..?

    As to everyone who suggested the router do the PPPoE, we can go a step further and have the Cable/DSL modem do the PPPoE auth and be a DHCP server so you never ever need to change settings anywhere else, and can hook up anything you want on the end of that LAN cable from your modem (router / laptop / desktop / refrigerator – sorry, not ANYthing πŸ™‚

  • Hi:
    I too live in Wadala East and I believe that Wilson has a monopoly in this area.. I have tried to get a broadband connection from several service porviders and have been turned down due to the locality.. I think these guys (Wilson) are internet goons and I am being overcharged since I have a connection for which I pay as per usage (upload/download) MB. It seems to get exhuasted ever other week – I think that the plan I am on is a 1400 MB plan with spped of 256 Kbps speed. Can someone guide me as to what a suitable plan should cost ona monthly basis for a single user for personal inter usage.. Much Appreciated!!

By sidin
