Reality Cheque


Busy week with the JAM issue due on Monday. So simply not enough time to write and post. But thankfully the latest Rediff installment is up and generating great debate on the messageboard. By which I mean several unsuspecting members of my family are being referred to in less than flattering terms.

The thing is, most of our TV channels just ape the programmes that are successful in the west. Some of them are good, no doubt, but not all of them have swimsuit rounds. Also, why don’t they adapt the really interesting shows for India? For instance the show called “Beauty and the Geek” where a roomful of supermodel types are locked up with some intellectual men could easily become a hit in India. “Beauty and the Humour Writer” is an idea that immediately comes to mind.

Therefore I decided that it was time we put an end to this imported nonsense and, over the last weekend, came up with some quintessentially Indian reality shows. These are competitions that truly bring out the salient features of our societies and the Indian way of life. Why bother with Prannoy Roy or Rajdeep Sardesai going on about current affairs and stock markets, when you can update yourself with key issues in a fun and entertaining fashion with possible nudity?

More here -> Reality Cheque.

p.s. Somebody wanted to post some ads for jobs on the blog. And then someone else also did. Apparently the reader demographic (MBA/IT/Engineer with sense of humour/too much free time) is in high demand. I might fire up a job board so it doesn’t clog the blog. Or maybe I won’t. I haven’t decided.

About the author


  • Read that column…n the comments (!!) there can be clubbed together to start a new show idea altogether! But hey, I was really hoping there would be one Big show idea on cricket!

  • A small suggestion (think about it if it doesn’t hurt your finances and wife!) :)Stop publishing on Rediff, you are better off being exclusive…(that btw translates to, stop writing for the masses)

  • I agree with Shailesh. Please don’t write for Rediff – I am of the express opinion that most people who comment there are bots run by some jobless freak. The bots know the best gaalis and can bring in a communal colour to anything and everything. And they love flames (even if the flame long said no to them – Ok bad joke).
    Keep your writing exclusive. Prada was never for the masses anyway.

  • You expected Rediff readers (commenters?) to understand sarcastic humor? Tsk Tsk..Sidin, you haven’t done enough research on the place you publish. BTW don’t pull your articles from Rediff. Keep publishing. The ones who don’t comment get you. The ones who don’t never will. So why not earn a dime or two from the ignorance of the buggers? The comments make for much merriment anyway.

  • Been a long time reader… and this piece was enjoyable…jus wanted to ask… does the ‘reality cheque’ hide any meanings?
    like rediff gives u a reality check on wht non-regular readers of ur blog think abt ur writing? or does the ‘cheque’ imply that while a writer may love praise, he has to live on (rediff’s) cheques?

    if so, i think the first backfired… those readers hv no idea wht they r commenting upon… though i’d disagree wid previous comments abt ‘Prada not being for masses’ (what makes u think readin a blog makes u stand apart frm so-called masses?’)…

    as for the second… i can only think of JAM’s idea… 1 paisa from all those ignorant souls who leave stupid comments 🙂

    keep writing dude… u jus make many an office hour more bearable…

By sidin
