Trring-ing with Pastrami


“Jhalak dikhla aaja, Jhalak dikhla aaja, ek baar aaja aaja aaja aaja aaaaaja, ek baar aaja aaja aaja aaja aaaaaja… Jhalak dikhla aaja, jhalak dikhla aaj… click


Dude Pastrami here.


Sup dude.

Nuthin much bro… You know. The usual. Running around. Planning. Buying. That sort of thing.

Cool… You read the latest Businessworld?


You know the Business magazine. Normally has CEOs standing back to back on the cover. Or pointing into the distance. Holding imaginary balls. That sort of thing.

Oh yeah. The five-buck mag…

Now ten-bucks.

Oh ok… Whats with it?

Your blog thing is in it.

Awesome! I had no idea really…

Oh… hmm… Well I am sorry that I have to be the one that tells you.

Eh? Matlab? As in its a good thing right? I am getting famous…

Not like this man. Some issue about Indian youth and all. Some crap like that…

Ok. Youth is good you know… They have pots of money and all. Retail boom… Cellphones… Eating out… They are SEC-A+ you know…

Screw you man. Anyways… The magazine has called you a… ‘Youth Hangout’…

Whoa! Too much. I am so happy.

You know what is your problem?

Ayyo… Ok what da Pastrami…

You are an idiot. They called you a ‘Youth Hangout’… That must hurt man.

No it does not! I like being a Youth Hangout… That means people like reading this blog.

You are pathetic… Dude they just made your blog sound like some dark corner of Bandstand or that stretch near Reclamation.

Where people make out?

The same.

Where you went last week to test out your new Camera Phone?

Chill dude! What the…! I am in the office on speaker phone!…

Sorry dude. By the way did you get those clips down on your laptop?

Yeah. They are totally awesome. Now shut up… They tap phones in these investment banks you know.

Oops. Sorry man… Won’t talk about your weekly jaunts to Bandstand, Reclamation, Carter Road or that lane near the Matunga CCD anymore. Not a single word about that folder on your COMPANY laptop called ‘Research Insights’. Not a single word… I promise.


Chuckle Chuckle

You will never understand the pains of a man as single as I am.

Maybe you should.. you know… hang out a bit on my blog. Meet some youth?

Don’t make me regret calling you dude…

Ok ok… So you think its a bad thing that I am a youth hangout?

OBVIOUSLY! The next thing you know they’ll be calling you the Himeshbhai of blogging…

Himesh is cool man…

Ok that does it. Screw you bro. All this while I thought you wanted to make this blog some meeting place for the intelligentsia… Where the educated among us could congregate in an orderly fashion… You are so proletariat man…

Come on. Chill da Pastrami… Its not so bad.

Hmm… BTW coming for the Digweed thing on Saturday? It will rock!

I dunno man… There is this other thing on the weekend… Can’t make up my mind.

What? Something bigger than the Godfather of House?! No way man…

Yeah. Want to catch Vivah with me on the weekend?

WHAT?!! WHAT???!!!

Dude its awesome. Apparently Vivah depicts the journey from engagement to marriage. It’s that phase of life when one glows naturally. During the courtship period, we all do things to make the other person happy whether it is going kilometres to buy a card or dress up well to bring a smile to the partners lips. But after marriage, the zing goes away as day-to-day issues crop up…


About the author


  • Hilarious stuff! Digweed vs. Vivah is a no-brainer actually – a piece of art (VIVAH) that sensitizes the audience to human relationship issues that have been untouched and untold thus far cannot be missed!! I think one needs to start a campaign to make the movie tax free!

  • Hey,Sidin nice post… I do think ur blog is a hangout of sorts to lot of youngsters.Thats maybe coz we do love reading all that u write,mainly as you strike a chord with youngsters.

    Anyways, do blog often.

  • congats man!!. Urs is indeed a youth hang-out.. Jus kiddin’.. Keep smiin.. nd ya, Digweed is any day better than Vivah!!!

  • Sidin,

    Orkut profile says committed ! And scraps say ‘looks like a mumbaikar – congrats!’. Why arnt things up on your blog yet ?!!!

  • i hv used classified office work, critical system files, simulation softwares .. research insights seems like a good addition to the above list…anyone has anymore suggestions??

  • He he he … awesome.

    Shahid Kapoor – Amrita Rao combo gives soggy french fries at McDonalds a run for their money.

    Shit, I am not making my camera phone useful at all.

    And congrats, glad u r back from ur corporate hibernation.

    Now there’s something to look forward to in the office comp apart from the “research insight” folder 🙂

  • Where people make out?

    The same.

    Where you went last week to test out your new Camera Phone?

    Chill dude! What the…! I am in the office on speaker phone!…

    Sorry dude. By the way did you get those clips down on your laptop?

    Yeah. They are totally awesome. Now shut up… They tap phones in these investment banks you know.

    Oops. Sorry man… Won’t talk about your weekly jaunts to Bandstand, Reclamation, Carter Road or that lane near the Matunga CCD anymore. Not a single word about that folder on your COMPANY laptop called ‘Research Insights’. Not a single word… I promise.


    — Hilarious. Amazing folder name “research insights”. the best part is his manager wld ahve actually seen the folder n would have felt very proud of the name n wld have nvr gotten arnd to checking what was inside it. 😉


By sidin
