Random Overhearings…


Overheard earlier today during an interview:

Interviewer: You understand that this job involves interacting with corner shops and retailers and wholesalers and really the lowest of the low…

Woman applicant: I understand completely. It is a challenge. But as you can see in my CV it is a challenge I have faced successfully before.

Interviewer: Hmm. But I hope you are aware of the… you know… sheer dirtiness involved in this profile. Street-work is tough and can be a total turn off for a lot of people… most people…

Woman: Oh no no no. (Gesticulating with both hands for effect) I love interacting with people. In fact when I meet these types of people… I just dont get turned off at all… in fact I get really really turned on! Really turned on! (Face huffing with effort…)

Interviewer: Er… ah… yes of course… ok…

About the author


By sidin
