Come rhyme our nation to progress…


The rhyme now has a reason!!!

I was thoroughly overjoyed to read recently that we have liberated our little little (nanhe munhe) children from the tyranny of western influence. Or at least the Madhya Pradesh government has. I hope this is just the beginning of a long series of reforms in our education system. The time is undoubtedly right; for too long we have stuck to the age old norms of reading writing and arithmetic. Today we know that this alone is insufficient to guarantee success in our society. In fact this is not even important in the larger scheme of things.

I encourage each and every reader of this blog to applaud this move. But this alone is not enough. We Indians tend to give our MORAL support to each and every cause but actually do little to further the cause or even help the champions of the cause to make any money. This is abominable.

I have decided to openly support this noble (Nobel?) initiative of the MP government by kick-starting the process of scripting nice, ek dum desi, and patriotic nursery rhymes. I encourage all readers of this blog to add to this short list with their own educative yet home-grown examples of nursery-ready lyric.

Rhyme Number 1: (Baa baa black sheep)
Aaa Aaa Arjun
Have you any a seat?
First you tell me
Your community!

22.5% for SC/ST
27% for OBC
And the rest for the forwards
Who will soon live on the street.

Rhyme Number 2: (Johnny Johnny)
Mika Mika
Yes papa
Hosting party?
No papa
Kissing item girl?
No papa!
I saw it on TOI cover
Ha ha ha

Rhyme Number 3: (Rain rain)
Rain, rain go away
Come again another day
Johnny Josesph wants to play

Rhyme Number 4: (Mary had a little lamb)
Rahul had a little coke
A little speed, a little hash
Rahul had a little coke, the stuff was white as snow
And everywhere that Rahul went
Rahul went, Rahul went
And everywhere that Rahul went, Sahil was sure to blow

Rhyme Number 5: (Row row row)
Sing, sing, sing through your nose
And wear a stupid cap
All the autos play your stuff
But you mostly sound like crap

Rhyme Number 6: (Jack and Jill)
My Chennai aunty always stood in line
To fetch a pail of water
She hoped things would change post-election
Instead of water she got free television

As you can see there is infinite potential to make nice bharateeya poetry for our young ones to learn in school. I encourage all of you readers to generously contribute to this just cause and help in the betterment of our education system. Please leave your nation-changing poetry in the comments… this is your chance to make a difference…

The best contributions will be published in Hafta to much… er… fanfare…

About the author


  • Knew of a Rhyme when i was in school!

    Jingle Bell Jingle Bell
    What the Bludy Hell
    Santa Claus Lost his Balls
    In the Bludy Well!!!

    I’ve done my contribution.. But will kids, in the generations to come, screw Santa Claus as well..?? Jus have to wait & c that..


  • Oh wait, I knew one rhyme when I was in school. This is how it goes –

    Open the door..
    darling, open the door..
    why are you angry so..


    I will take you up the mountain,
    and show you..


    Ooops, this was when I was in undergrad! Sorry, wrong time, wrong place for this rhyme, lest your discerning readers revolt! 😉

  • Btw, the above mentioned “rhyme” was to be sung in the tune of “Suraangani”! Aah, those days when poets reigned!

  • Based on Twinkle Twinkle

    Bujh gaya bujh gaya desh ka tara,
    Politicians ne to satya nash mara,
    SC/ST nahin hai hum to,
    Lena hoga janam dobara.

  • Sidin, I was expecting a hilarious post like this one for a long time. Thanks for posting one. ROFL 🙂

  • toe, toe, toe the line
    say only things to please modi
    or merrily merrily merrily merrily
    he’s gonna ban your new movie

  • How cud I let this pass! Ok this is as original as it gets, and what better inspiration than the world’s greatest joke-book himself 🙂

    George and Dick
    went up the oil creek
    to fetch WMD and nuclear reactor
    George fell down
    and made of himself a clown
    and Dick came gun-totting after.
    Up got George,
    and the clown deeply thought
    what made this plan a cropper
    He went to bed
    all mixed up in his thick head
    regretting his dumb faux pas.

  • Old One but a classic at that..

    Jack and Jill went up the hill,
    To fetch a pail of water;
    Heaven knows what they did,
    They came back with a daughter!


  • there shud be a limerick contest on this page
    just to see how many in cyberspace need to be in a cage
    behind bars along with sahil zaroo
    let’s all count the nuts outside the zoo

  • Budhia on a frantic run
    Come rain or shine
    Biranchi perched on a moped
    Screaming ‘fun fun fun!’

    What the hell! said NHRC
    We dont like this!
    Now runs like mad, Biranchi
    To get Budhia’s medicals done


  • Besides mockery, did you know that Nursery rhymes are totally valueless! “Ring-o Ring-o Roses…” was actually written as a means to convey the the meaning of Plague (black death). It is shameful and a little too sad that little children are taught these rhymes!

    I would rather teach my children Avvaiyar and Valluvar!

  • 22.5% for SC/ST
    27% for OBC
    And the rest for the forwards
    Who will soon live on the street.

    And the rest is not thoroughly for the FORWARDS Sir! Rest is OPEN quota which again includes SC/ST and OBC in it. 🙁 I assume you people know the difference in using those 2 words Forward and Open quota.

    So, ungaL paattil poruL kutRam irukkirathu!!

  • u have non-desi nursery rhymes also. what the heck might as well add somethin arbit. herez a forward i got. its a corruption of hotel c for mals:

    On the road to Trivandrum
    Coconut oil in my hair
    Warm smell of avial
    Rising up through the air
    Up ahead in the distance
    I saw a bright pink tube-light
    My tummy rumbled, I felt weak and thin
    I had to stop for a bite
    There he stood in the doorway
    Flicked his mundu in style
    And I was thinking to myself
    I don’t like the look of his sinister smile
    Then he lit up a petromax
    Muttering “No power today”
    More Mallus down the corridor
    I thought I heard them say

    Welcome to the Hotel Kerala-fonia
    Such a lousy place,
    Such a lousy place (background)
    Such a sad disgrace,
    Plenty of bugs at the Hotel Kerala-fonia
    Any time of year
    Any time of year (background)
    It’s infested here
    It’s infested here

    His finger’s stuck up his nostril
    He’s got a big, thick mustache
    He makes an ugly, ugly noise
    But that’s just his laugh
    Buxom girls clad in pavada
    Eating banana chips
    Some roll their eyes, and
    Some roll their hips
    I said to the manager
    My room’s full of mice
    He said,
    Don’t worry, saar,I sending you
    meen karri, brandy and ice
    And still those voices were crying from far away
    Wake you up in the middle of the night
    Just to hear them pray

    Save us from the Hotel Kerala-fonia
    Such a lousy place,
    Such a lousy place (background)
    Such a sad disgrace
    Trying to live at the Hotel Kerala-fonia
    It is no surprise
    It is no surprise (background)
    That it swarms with flies

    The blind man was pouring
    Stale sambar on rice
    And he said
    We are all just actors here
    In Silk Smitha-disguise
    And in the dining chamber
    We gathered for the feast
    We stab it with our steely knives
    But we just can’t cut that beef
    Last thing I remember
    I was writhing on the floor
    That cockroach in my appam-stew was the culprit,
    I am sure
    Relax, said the watchman,
    This enema will make you well
    And his friends laughed as they held me down

    God’s Own Country? Oh, Hell!

    The Yeagles

  • Time and time again you beat your own best. Is your book out? Who’s the publisher and whats the name of the book? Cant wait to read…

    I totally watch this space. Those rhymes made my day.

  • Ok Here is one to the tune of
    Hickory, dickory, dock,…

    Hickory, dickory, snort,
    The trio sniffed up the coke.
    The coke struck one.
    The others came clean,
    Jittery, Jittery, thanking family, friends and Doc.

  • This is fun, Heres another one
    This time its Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall….

    BSE, NSE, Sat on a street wall
    BSE, NSE had a great fall.
    All the Dalal’s Blue chips and all the Dalal’s men
    couldn’t wipe out the RED altogether again!

  • Jack haur Jill
    Paadi uthe gaye
    Bharan Paani Di Baalti
    Jack neeche dig peya
    Maatha odda phat gaya
    Jill bhi ludakdi aa gaayi

  • The wheels on the rickshaw go round and round,
    round and round, round and round,
    The wheels on the rickshaw go round and round…

    Hilarious stuff, Sidin.

  • This is addictive…
    Ok Last one pacca,heres a rendition of ‘An apple a day…

    A strike a day,
    Keeps the doctor away.
    Strike in the morning
    Ramadoss’s warning
    Anti Quota strikes, day and night
    starves the doctor outright
    Ramadoss’s anger in the red.
    Knock the doctor on the head
    Strike each day, seven days a week, no work, no reap…

  • nice blog….

    me tooo a new blogger

    tell me waat u thnk…

  • In college we used to sing this one rhyme

    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    Your mum’s so pretty,
    What happened to you?

    It got everyone’s goat…

  • it is defnitely a nice way to carry the message to genaration next to get them to whats happening in the country.

    really a excellent post

  • HaftaMag is not too bad. I enjoyed reading some of the articles, except Venkatesan’s! Why on Earth did you allow him to write in such bad language. It’s disgusting. And his gramaticcal errors, oh GOd!

    If you want the mag to do well, please invest time in reading thro articles before posting them up. As a publisher myself, take this as strong advice. Another advice – take people like Venkatesan out of the writer’s team!

  • Here’s my contribution…

    Arjun Arjun Super Star
    Everyone wonders what you are
    You raised reservation all so high
    Puting meritocracy in the sty

  • ‘Rhyme Number 5: (Row row row)
    Sing, sing, sing through your nose
    And wear a stupid cap
    All the autos play your stuff
    But you mostly sound like crap’

    The best of the lot. How long did it take you to come up with this stuff?

    Laughed so hard, I got hungry again.


    baa baa black buck
    oh i have been such a fool

    yes saar! yes saar! cry three bags full
    one for wriggling giggly Ash
    one for Cruising on pavement dwellers
    and one for shooting at our little buck who used to live down the lane

  • Two consecutive posts in two very different styles, both very good indeed. I salute you, sir.

    But you really should have some castor oil on tap for readers like Aparna K. And maybe a few beers for Aslan.

  • By the way, did you know that even in England, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ got into trouble with some politically correct types? They want the rhyme changed to ‘Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep’.

    More here.

    Musings that Amuse

  • Oh and one more report on the same.

    An excerpt:

    The children will be asked to sing “sad,” “blue,” “pink,” “black,” “white,” “happy,” “hopping,” and “bouncing” when describing the sheep to encourage the children to extend their vocabulary and use up energy.

    Musings that Amuse

  • “chubby chicks——” goes like this–
    “casual dress and blue turban,
    lost words so keeps mum.
    An economist and humble man,
    By default he is in political lane.
    “—–” pet,who is that??
    PM,PM, PM..

  • mika mika was real good…i had also recently written about this mika-rakhi story on my blog..
    btw i am in ISB, disha rustogi’s to know your blog from her…
    have bee reading regularly..coool stuff !!

  • Hilarious!! Mika Mika and Aa Aa Arjun was awesome!!
    well, I cant think of a rhyme but I have a song..

    Sambhar of 69

    I had my first real six rupees,
    stole it from my father’s pants.
    went to a madrasi hotel,
    to eat the sambhar of 69.
    Me and some kadke dost,

    had it all and we caught bukhaar,
    jimy puked, joey got ulcers,
    and Bagga ne maari dakar.

    Oh when I went back there now,
    the food was as stale as ever,
    and though it was 1999,
    still the sambhar was being served over there,

    that was the worst food of my life.

    Therez no use in complaining,
    when you got no other place to eat,
    rushed in the evening to the doctors clinic, but he too was at the toilet seat, yeah

    standing there waiting outside,
    nurse told me I will wait forever,
    oh and when I held my breath,
    I knew that I had to use that loo there
    That was the worst food of my life.

    Back to the sambhar of 69.

    Man I was getting killed,
    I was full and restless,
    I needed to unwind,
    I guess nothing can wait forever – FOREVER… NO!!!!

    And now the dhabas are changing,
    new dishes have come and gone,
    sometimes when I pass that old madrasi lane, I still smell it, I can’t be wrong.

    Standing in those unwashed clothes,
    the waiters still call me in there,
    oh the way my nostrils burn,
    I know that it will be served forever,
    what was the worst food of my life.

    yeah it was the sambhar of 69,

    the sambhar, the sambhar, the sambhar of 69

  • That was an amazing post.

    How about this take on Solomon Grundy?

    insert average_lok_sabha_mp
    Extorted on a Monday,
    Raped on Tuesday,
    Assaulted on Wednesday,
    Murdered on Thursday,
    Rigged polls on Friday,
    Elected on Saturday,
    Buried the Lok Sabha on Sunday.
    That was the end of
    Indian Democracy.

    The variable average_lok_sabha_mp may be assigned any one of the constants from the following set of elements:

    {Pappu Yadav, Md Shahabuddin, Raja Babu, Shibu Soren….}

  • After 3 issues, you have finally proved that you can’t run a good magazine, and have no clue as to what on Earth you are doing!

  • Hahahaha!!Been rollin on the floor laughin for the past half hour!

    —-Big fan of this blog;not a big fan of haftamag!!

  • sidin


    awesome post
    u got most of the current affairs all down to one post fulla nursery rhymes

    wah wah

  • LOL…that was too much fun dude! Laughed till I cried.. Loved the one on himesh, and the one on the reservations!and Mika and chennai aunty were too hilarious as well! And since u were kind enuff to provide the rhyme references, I actually sang along as I read..and got the complete experience..Haha..(Sounds like Phoebe’s songs in friends!!)u ROCK re.. made my day!

  • XML Parse Error sir.. your feed does not load. So I dunno when you’re upd8d which is baaad. France going strong. You must be happy. Viva Zizu.

  • Hey Sidin
    this one was great fun to read..this is my first comment on ur blog,.. its been a great reading – saving me during those endless days at work..

    meanwhile, heres a desperately conjured up piece from me..

    that ronaldo tries to dive in air
    dive in air dive in air
    that ronaldo tries to dive in air
    and gets an oscar for his fall

  • Here is it for mulberry bush…

    Here we go round george bush,
    george bush,george bush,
    Here we go round george stuck here someone help

  • Himesh reshmia one was the coolest! damn! love those all!

    But himesh reshmia one still makes me laugh!:D

By sidin
